
Omg ur autocorrect injuring- sense just made... My day.. Thankyou u made me laugh soo mucn jahahahhahaha im still laughing hahahahaha
Omg ur autocorrect injuring- sense just made... My day.. Thankyou u made me laugh soo mucn jahahahhahaha im still laughing hahahahaha
I used to hate injuring-sense I because he always pester misaki. But after reading his pov I felt sorry for him. When he just realized his feeling towards misaki, the most important supporter for him,he was already heart broken. If he had met misaki sooner, he may has his own happy ending (BUT I STILL LOVE MISAKI TOGETHER WITH USAGI-San). Even he was rejected many times he still do his best on his manga drawing for misaki happiness. I really wish he will meet someone who is the real destined one for him. He deserves his own happiness.