Maybe pretend to add in some investments in there as well hahaha. The whole perspective of this story is a woman from the male gaze and caters towards men. Like her sole purpose of the story is to cook for the highschooler lmfaoo and reminisce about her dead husband at the same time. She can’t be too independent ( ̄∇ ̄")

Initially, I thought she was just surviving off her husband's life insurance since the manga wasnt clear about her income. But towards the last volume, there was a chapter that showed her bankbook and a little backstory of how her and her husband panned and saved up 3.5M for their wedding ceremony. But sadly, right when they reached their goal she got a call that her husband passed. The details of the husband's death were not mentioned but I think we can all assume it was some sort of accident.
Okay but how does she earn money? She seems to be a housewife