Is that gum?! Omg omg thank you so much!! If Azusa acted like that to Karino when he was king, it's no wonder that Karino wanted to bone him. Man Azusa was such a flirt without realizing it. Or maybe he was doing it on purpose?? And

More: http://distantattraction.tumblr.com/post/144932216608/im-trying-to-get-less-illiterate-in-japanese-so
Is it me, or is Karino's karma petty?

What do you mean by karma being petty?

I was dying to know what they're saying, thanks alot for the link!

I'm not sure what you mean by "petty karma", but if you mean that his revenge is petty, I disagree. It is cruel, but that's not the same. Instead of being thankful, when Karino was kind and "devoted" to him, Azusa was provoking Karino and thinking he was using him. Now Karino is the one who is using Azusa. But it's not revenge Karino is driven by. He likes Azusa, but he likes to play it rough. And probably his being nice to Azusa was part of his game too. "How I obeyed you before and how I destroyed you, its all for my pleasure". As for that chewing gum thing, It was hot and cool. My favorite part is "chew on it" :)

They are no angels, both of them, and they are perfect for each other. Maybe Karino was the first one to realise that, but seeing how Azusa was seducing him..hard to tell..

yumyum ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Oh, Azusa was definitely flirting with the gum. Remember that from Azusa's POV (and maybe Karino's), people were either users or used. Karino was acting like a suck up. If that were Karino's true self, then such a person seemed to enjoy being dominated that way--some people are into that. Certainly there was no cause to be "grateful". Either Karino was trying to play Asuza (he was) or he enjoyed being treated like a dog--in which case Azusa was only giving him what he wanted.
I think in general Karino's revenge/switch goes much farther than anything Azusa did to him, but that's not what I mean by petty. In this particular case, I found the original gum teasing to be kind of hot, but sticking gum on Azusa's nipple with a reference to the past did nothing for me. One was done in a teasing, sexy way. The other was just to rub Azusa's face in it. The second teasing lacked...I'm not sure how to say it, but it seemed like something your little brother would do if he had a chance. I'm not finding the right words here so I'll stick with petty. Still, Asuza tied up was hot.
You know my personal take on Karino is that I would like to see that he has feelings outside of the game, but that he might be doing exactly what he says: killing time before he graduates and has to be what is daddy made him. I want for you to be right. I just don't see it yet.

We know that Karino was playing Azusa, and Azusa knows it too (now), but back then he didn't know that. What if Karino was nice to Azusa because he liked him and wanted to be appreciated by him? Is that how you treat someone who is nice to you? Being rude and trying to use that person? I find what Karino did with the gum totally cool, while what Azusa did not so much - flirting hard with a guy who likes you and doing a girl almost in front of him? Imagine if in place of Karino was Atsumu? Would you call him a kind person or a suck up? I mean, the only reason we don't sympathise with Karino is because we know what happend next and that Kari was playing Azu.
What I find petty and childish is that cheat-sheet trick Azusa tried to pull. Probably at this point Azusa is not part of Karino's plans outside the game, but I think it will change eventually (Azusa is paying high price for that, but that's Karino for you). Well, one thing's for sure - with Ogawa sensei you never know what happens next. We can keep guessing though ;)

Karino's motives are a mystery. I would say that in that school, and particularly for that couple, that is exactly how you treat someone who likes you and shows it by acting servile. Maybe Karino had real feelings from the start--maybe not. You may think Asuza deserved to have gum mockingly stuck to his nipple (that's fair) but was it sexy? It's a matter of personal taste but I thought Asuza's joke was sexy. I also find his naked chest sexy, so there is that. I guess there is something or everyone in CH if you keep reading.
As for Atsumu, I didn't like him at first. I think he is way too wimpy and that he is the sort of dead weight I may have felt obligated to protect, but who I would always wish would get a backbone. Atsumu grew on me a little bit when he tried to stand up for Asuza, but then he bought into the huge pile of crap Kuse told him in chapter 9 and smiled. I like Atsumu slightly better than Kuze, who I think is abusive as hell, but I see Atsumu as someone who needs help, not as someone I would want to spend time with or emulate. One thing though, Atsumu was not emotionally masochistic enough to suck up to Azusa when Asuza had power. Even stupid "I'll believe anything a hot guy tells me" Atsumu knew better than to try to toady to Azusa as a way of getting Asuza o like him.
Karino is too smart to think sucking up would work for a guy like Azusa. I think Karino would have found Asuza "unworthy" if Azusa had fallen for it. I'm not sure though. I think Karino knows that the only thing Azusa respects is power. My question is whether Karino was wearing a mask only when he was being the loyal dog or whether Karino is also wearing a mask now, because this new mask keeps Azusa engaged.

there's no doubt that karino always played the part of the loyal follower. He admitted it when he had a conversation with tatsumi calling him boring and saying that he wanted to have some fun. There's no way Karino had innocent feelings or thoughts about Azusa,karino is the top ass of the game XDXD I simply like it how Azusa was the naive one,in chap 1 he said to karino "why did you do this to me?" he didn't expect that and was disappointed in a way(even karino said to him later "I didn't expect you to be so naive" talking about tatsumi) . They clearly had a "controversial" friendship(there was always something more to it) Azusa never played with other guys the way he played with Karino,they were always together even the short guy in the extra was jealous because he couldn't get near Azusa as Karino could. They are made for each other,Karino always liked Azusa and enjoyed playing his little game,while Azusa has always been attracted to Karino even if he didn't realize it before,azusa seems to be comfortable around Karino....in chap4 he got so comfortable than totally forgot about his revenge and actually wanted a real relationship with Karino,but that visit to karino's house totally ruined it. And I believe Tatsumi has something to do with it(karino was getting softer and it was becoming like a real relationship) but Tatsumi warned him to stay away from Azusa because he is not good for him,so yeah,I think tatsumi did it on purpose and probably had a little conversation with karino. He knows about azusa's pride and how much damage that visit would do to their relationship.
Oh and yes,that scene with azusa was hot,I believe karino enjoyed it and was thinking on how to get his "revenge" soon (▰˘◡˘▰)

it's clear that in that school they are fucked up XDXD But Azusa is the one I like the most,he has suffered more than the others yet he remains who he is. Also he isn't a bad guy,he simply plays the role like a real tsundere(the scene with his mother was touching,also the way he remained strong and assured tatsumi that everything was ok,or when he thanked him). Karino likes his strong side,but he hasn't seen the real azusa yet....so I'm waiting for that moment ç.ç I've been waiting a year for that,ah it's frustrating >.< Anyway,azusa wasn't innocent,but something tells me Karino liked it that way XDXD

yes,we need more about karino,anyway it is better than nothing. What I got from it is that Karino has to follow the rules of his family,has always been arrogant,doesn't care about anyone,loves power,has a strong obligation towards his family but yet,he likes to rebel. If only he had the same devotion toward azusa...*fangirl mod* XDXD Anyway,he has the perfect attitude to protect azusa and help him change his life,if only he wanted >.> while azusa is perfect for him since he easily brings out Karino's real personality and also breaks his coolness, they complete each other in a twisted way