Yo asoda why backstab? I feel so annoyed right now because rogi puts so much trust in him ...

Veane May 18, 2021 12:03 am

Yo asoda why backstab? I feel so annoyed right now because rogi puts so much trust in him and considers him a friend meanwhile he goes and does shit like this AND WASTE FOOD?? Like?? Im so disappointed right now omg.. asoda we were rooting for you..

    Trash Seme May 18, 2021 1:45 am

    Just wait lol, it gets real fun and wild with Asoda in the next few chapters.

    Painterofthenight May 18, 2021 3:49 am
    Just wait lol, it gets real fun and wild with Asoda in the next few chapters. Trash Seme

    Will rogi be okay?? Or will he be in trouble? Can asoda be in trouble instead.

    Trash Seme May 18, 2021 4:44 am
    Will rogi be okay?? Or will he be in trouble? Can asoda be in trouble instead. Painterofthenight

    Rogi's got the devils luck, it's honestly such a joy to watch him get through situations lol. I've only read up to chapter fifteen, which is all that's been officially released in English right now, and it seems like Rogi isn't in trouble... but him and Asoda have a really fucking intense and cool scene.