This is for anyone who need a recap an too lazy to reread ;)

laya_chann May 17, 2021 11:09 pm

1.(first season) this is the more lighthearted season when they are mostly lovey dovey. suha's mother set him up on a blind date without his permission, so he moved in with his longtime friend, siwoo. besides this happening, he still spends alot of time at the directors house. he meets an old sex friend that he is not fond of.(relevent to season two.) jiwoon's grandmother doesn't like him and treats him like shit but his red haired cousin and suha is favored more.

2.(second season) we meet red haired cousin more and hes an asshole long story short. suha basically grew up with red hair (sry i really forgot his name) and jiwoon. when they were kids, red hair askes suha if he liked him and he said yes, after that they started having sex. red hair would treat suha like shit and introduced/pressured him into having orgies and other ppl watching them have sex, one was suha's old sex friend (the one from the first season.(i forgot his name too so ill call him grey hair.) present day, red hair is the vice prez of the company their fam runs and grey hair runs a hotel. both of them meet up for drinks and grey har talks about how much he wants to "do" suha and mentions a threesome to red hair. he obvi got excited and was like lets to this. suha met yoon, another secretary that worked under red hair after he saw him crying about work. red hair sees they are aquainted with eachother and uses him being drunk to lure suha to his house. red hair and grey hair ultumately lied and forced suha to give them both head (grey hair hit suha really hard he started to bleed). red hair texts jiwoon a pic of suha giving head, he rushes to the apartment, and as grey hair is forcing himelf on suha, jiwoon punches the shit out of him. fast forward a couple chapters, red hair is still stuck on wanting suha back so while suha visited the prez(the grandma that was fond of him), red hair managed to drug jiwoon,( he got the drugs from grey hair, who was caught in a scandal and offered it to him for suha when they would have sex) and threatened to call the grandma(prez) to get him in trouble. he gave suha the choice to have sex with him or save jiwoon but get him in trouble. he went with red hair. don't be disappointed though, suha was so disgusted that he couldn't take it. he bit red hairs lip and made him bleed and ran out of the hospital. yoon (the other secretary) saw suha crying as he walked out of the hotel room with red hair and he followed them to red hair's apartment. when suha came running out in just a robe, he asked yoon for help to get him out of there. suha met up with siwoo(his long time friend) to go get jiwoon from the hotel room. they found ig they were male escorts, to take advantage of jiwoon while he was high off the drug. they take him home and to calm him down, suha tries to give him a handjob, which commences one of the hottest sex scenes ever (in my opinion) but jiwoon goes overboard. (the only reason i give him the benefit of the dout is because he was drugged and not in the best state of mind but otherwise, he did ode) after that jiwoon gives a heartfelt apology nd suha accepts it. now, instead of working in the office, he is a telemarketer or sum shit.. (idek what that is) long story short he's working from home because jiwoon told him to. he's been really insecure and anxious that suha would leave him and got worried when he wasnt at his house.( he was with siwoo) yea and we're pretty much up to date :)

things i missed:
1.) suha was never really fond of relationships until jiwoon spilled his guts about being in love with him. they actually got together and was in a relationship while most of the shit with redhead was happening.
2.) suha fractured his wrist when a small altercation with siwoo's ex happened at their front door, which prompted jiwoon to persuade suha to live with him. suha only planned to stay after hiws wrist was healed but after that shit with read hair, he urged him to stay longer. as of right now, they are not officially living together.
3.) i honestly thought is was me when they didn't fully explain why the grandmother hates jiwoon so much but ig we'll see in this last season.
4.) i strongly recommend you read the last 10 chapters so the story will flow more with your eyes rather me just explaining(even though i covered everything important.

anyone is free to add any smaller but more important details just in case i missed anything or my explanation makes no sense LOL sry. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ (▰˘◡˘▰)
