
GayPotato5 May 17, 2021 10:17 pm

Binge read this and caught the update a min after. Y the fuck everything in this society so unorganized?

    Cam May 17, 2021 10:32 pm

    Probably because it’s something they have never seen before (worm) and it’s only happened within the last decade or so in the manhwa, which commonly leads to unrest and disorganization and a lot of corruption.

    Exie May 17, 2021 11:13 pm

    probably because one day 20% of the population was wiped out when an unknown virus first showed up, with any surviving turning into highly volatile, cannibalistic flesh-monsters; there is no known cure, nor vaccine, so people are still constantly dying due to the virus-which has a 99% mortality rate. The 1% that do survive end up becoming monsters or superhumans-its a pretty shitty situation, ofc the world is disorganised, its like if the very start of the pandemic, with panic and mass spreading, had continued at the same pace for years.

    GayPotato5 May 17, 2021 11:23 pm
    probably because one day 20% of the population was wiped out when an unknown virus first showed up, with any surviving turning into highly volatile, cannibalistic flesh-monsters; there is no known cure, nor vac... Exie

    Yea. I meant more iso and the amount of info they withhold

    Exie May 18, 2021 11:22 am
    Yea. I meant more iso and the amount of info they withhold GayPotato5

    what info are they witholding? Legally, most of them arent allowed to speak on the abuse they faced due to agreements they signed when the researchers first caught them, or else they'll immediately get arrested, so without solid evidence ISO can't effectively protect the children taken by the labs, unless they get a tip off about minors locked away. or do you mean something else?