
You'll never really know until u actually experience and have such impairement. I have something like it. What's worse is when u actually are normal and then had an accident resulting to it being defected. Things will never go back to normal even if you accept it. Not all people will understand u and people will judge and mock u wheather we like it or not. Most of then actually think making fun of our disabilities are nothing. But it really hurts inside. Like normal things aren't that normal anymore no matter what we do. It's really kinda hard to explain..
since when is being hard of hearing something to be pitied??? god, i hate when people try to mask their ableism with concern. this silver hair fucker is so goddamn annoying. i also feel like at this point, his big secret is that his dad is the one that caused the accident that impaired his hearing, killed joowon and almost killed him.