orangeheaven May 17, 2021 2:13 pm


If you think the dad is bad now, just wait. He actually gets EVEN worst. After the ball, Diana starts visiting Ancia at the Crown Prince palace regularly. The sisters are really close and love each other a lot, but the dad always kept them apart. But now that Ancia is favored by the Emperor the dad doesn't block them anymore.

However the dad wants Diana to spy on Ancia and do other things to sabotage her. Diana adores her sister and of course doesn't. The dad tries to get information from Diana like about how far the prince's curse has progressed or if anything strange happened at the Palace that day but she only gives answers like 'I don't know'. A couple years pass and Ancia becomes renknown and respected by both Noble and Commoners. The father is furious because it's obvious that the Crown Princess isn't close to her father so all the nobles look down on him. He actually starts to blame DIANA for his shitty actions, thinking that maybe Ancia was his treasure and he didn't realize it because he was "blinded" by Diana and that Diana is useless because she can't get the Emperor's favor or being the center of high society (Diana doesn't want to be a court lady, she wants to become a knight so that she can enter the imperial guard and protect Ancia).

The dad starts beating Diana because she won't do what he says in regards to spying on Ancia and the crown prince or cozying up to the emperor. He even whips her! Then he threatens to marry her off to some rich count whose even older than the father. He gives her some mana stone and tells her to plant it at the Crown Prince Palace or else he'll send her to the Count. The saddest part is that Diana doesn't say anything to Ancia, because Diana feels that she has no right to ask Ancia for help when she was powerless to help Ancia back when Ancia was the one being abused. She decides that she'll just run away from home if the dad tries to marry her to the Count.

Ancia only finds out because she forced Diana to take a back after she came over to play and saw the wounds on Diana's body.

    hey_there May 17, 2021 2:24 pm

    we must burn this scum in the inner circle of hell!

    janine May 17, 2021 2:24 pm

    i hope he dies a gruesome death

    StoopidArSe May 17, 2021 2:51 pm

    I must drag him to hell with me

    Haru May 17, 2021 2:55 pm

    Everyone in favor punishing him monokuma style