hahah sorry, here's what I remember :
It's a manga, the teacher/uke is blond(light hair) the soldier/seme has dark hair.
In the universe, certain people have gotten powers (not many of them) and are now very precious military ressources for countries. However, these super soldiers( can fly also), cannot be healed and treated through normal human means. Instead they have a pair which only they are compatible with, humans which body fluids can heal the soldiers : saliva, blood, semen... The soldiers are so valuable that when they are heavily injured, their pair is expected to give skin, blood and even organs to get them to heal.
Hope that helps more, thanks for trying to find it with me!
I’m not sure as I cannot open it on MGo:
I found it!!!
Hello, I'm looking for a yaoi where a teacher becomes the "life-supply" of a soldier with super powers, like they form a pair because they are compatible... thx