Sho has a good side even just a little bit.

Aura Senja May 27, 2016 9:06 am

Wait, Am I the only one who thinks maybe Sho did all of that on purpose to make kyoko become independent? She was a plain girl without dream and ambition except for marrying Sho. And that smile..... I just interpreting finally Sho is satisfied with the result as kyoko declared her dream. Everyone hated Sho. Indeed his behavior really bad,but at the crucial moment he will be there for kyoko ( like when her mother denied kyoko as her daughter).

    AriellaEdna May 27, 2016 9:33 am

    urmm.. I don't think so,, well in the first place shou said something bad which made kyoko accidentally heard right? so I think after shou become famous he decided kyoko is just nuisance in his life and even kyoko declare that she going to take a revenge shou didn't believe her and mock her... but after kyoko get into LME and start to attach to ren... plus when kyoko accept to acting in shou mv he so for the first time that kyoko can be beautiful and at that time he know that kyoko is friend with ren and start to interfere because he is jealous.

    After that I think in one of the chapter shou said to his manager that kyoko is stil his even though she is not in his life.. this mean that shou become attach to kyoko after she become an actress and have charm... but still because he always saw ren and kyoko together.. he kinda kidnap kyoko and ask her about her feeling toward ren... and satisfy when kyoko said that she just using ren to become a good actress ( actually she lying, she does have feeling at ren) and take a revenge at shouyo... This make shou happy cause koko goal is involving him.

    And with the recent chapter, kyoko has determine to become and actress and decided that she is not conflicting between her feeling and goal anymore.. so she confront shou and tell her about her goal to become an amazing actress and at once to have her revenge toward shou... but shou misinterpret it as kyoko goal is to have her revenge toward him and it mean that she will be focusing on him only ( it mean that kyoko will constantly think about shou, that is why he become so happy) but actually kyoko just want to affirm her dream which is to become an actress ( i mean if kyoko already become an amazing actress it mean that she is better than anyone right? including shou).. this is what my mind understand about this story...

    well it just my opinion... and I didn't denies yours idea .. sorry for my grammar and spelling (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Aura Senja May 27, 2016 10:11 am
    urmm.. I don't think so,, well in the first place shou said something bad which made kyoko accidentally heard right? so I think after shou become famous he decided kyoko is just nuisance in his life and even ky... AriellaEdna

    that's true... and I'm sure most of the reader got the same opininion as yours. anyway my grammar worse than yours hahahahah ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭