aceHtse May 17, 2021 2:13 am


    Salt May 17, 2021 2:18 am

    Dont you dare disrespect seagulls by comparing them to an ugly creature like her ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Ur average wierdo fujoshi May 17, 2021 2:39 am
    Dont you dare disrespect seagulls by comparing them to an ugly creature like her ヽ(`Д´)ノ Salt

    Lol fr tho..but i have a great comparison....she looks like disrrea poor shit...disgusting

    Ur average wierdo fujoshi May 17, 2021 2:40 am
    Lol fr tho..but i have a great comparison....she looks like disrrea poor shit...disgusting Ur average wierdo fujoshi

    I spelled tht wrong cause i was excited...diarrea bear shit

    Salt May 17, 2021 3:35 am
    I spelled tht wrong cause i was excited...diarrea bear shit Ur average wierdo fujoshi

    YES. perfect description of how she looks like. Look at her smirk, like what? She tryna be debby ryan?? #-.-)

    Ur average wierdo fujoshi May 17, 2021 4:26 am
    YES. perfect description of how she looks like. Look at her smirk, like what? She tryna be debby ryan?? #-.-) Salt

    Fr tho tht smirk was soo fucking annoying ughh she really thought my queen would be embarrased piece of shit......she will never be like my queen....disgustiNg and im.positive that nobody willl support this..sure the commoners will who like her cause thwy think shes like them but the people with common sense and knowledge will know shes an idiot...the kingdom will fall apart...and even if the commoners like her soon her dumb actions will change their minds...soveishu is dumb af...haa cant believe he let go of such a queen...NAVIER IS MY QUEEN!!!

    Salt May 17, 2021 11:06 am
    Fr tho tht smirk was soo fucking annoying ughh she really thought my queen would be embarrased piece of shit......she will never be like my queen....disgustiNg and im.positive that nobody willl support this..su... Ur average wierdo fujoshi

    FACTS. (︶︿︶)

    aceHtse May 17, 2021 3:21 pm
    Dont you dare disrespect seagulls by comparing them to an ugly creature like her ヽ(`Д´)ノ Salt

    I'm sorry lemme clear that she looks like trash