
soleil May 16, 2021 9:15 pm

an opinion (discretion is advised)

something that's been bothering me for awhile cuz I always notice it. I don't get why some people are so triggered about the rape genre to the point of posting super negative comments or slandering the author. I mean I get it, it IS unpleasant and disgusting, I agree BUT yow there is clearly a WARNING about the story and its content. The author is free to write about what he/she wants, its like their right to express what happens in THEIR story. If u don't like it then DON'T read it or if u hate what u had to read then atlst don't post negative comments and give people the bad vibe just don't come back to it. Not to mention we're already reading on an illegal site ヽ(`Д´)ノ Like bruh that's why they put up and R18 or 19+ warnings cuz they expect mature peeps to understand before reading to be open minded of its content. Anyways Im not supporting the genre rape just towards the peeps who comment without thinking

    Prosiel May 16, 2021 9:28 pm

    I agree w u

    mell May 16, 2021 9:37 pm

    exactly and every time in the comments some people are like if u like this story u need a therapy wtf i mean it s just a story simplee

    RJin May 16, 2021 9:48 pm

    hi, not trying to attack u

    for me, if its tagged as psychological or if the relationship is purposely portrayed as toxic or unhealthy then its fine BUT i feel like it’s unnecessary to involve rape in a story thats between so called ‘lovers’?? all it does is ruin the characters image and it makes rape seem like something romantic which is disgusting and shouldnt be normalised so i dont mind that theres a lot of people who complain about it, id say its the normal reaction what else would u want them to say to that??

    mell May 16, 2021 9:59 pm
    hi, not trying to attack u for me, if its tagged as psychological or if the relationship is purposely portrayed as toxic or unhealthy then its fine BUT i feel like it’s unnecessary to involve rape in a story ... RJin

    yes they dont have to involve rape but thats author’s choice so just accept it that way and read. attacking on mangas comments and getting angry to other people is unnecessary

    pansexual May 16, 2021 11:03 pm

    whatever but I really hate the manga which encouragement pedophilia or rape~

    soleil May 17, 2021 7:20 am
    hi, not trying to attack u for me, if its tagged as psychological or if the relationship is purposely portrayed as toxic or unhealthy then its fine BUT i feel like it’s unnecessary to involve rape in a story ... RJin


    yes rape shouldn't be romanticised and it shouldn't be encouraged but then I come back thinking this is a fictional story and in a way it tells people that life between lovers isn't always perfect. But I don't leave hateful comments or instead just give a low rating. I agree it isn't necessary but unfortunately rape isn't something that can be eliminated. We can address it to make people aware but not to the point of posting hostile comments and canceling the author's career who is just trying to tell a story. Besides mainstream mangas contain rape. Its okay to express dislike but in moderation :))

    soleil May 17, 2021 7:26 am
    whatever but I really hate the manga which encouragement pedophilia or rape~ pansexual

    Yes, we shouldn't encourage that but we also shouldn't encourage hate and hostile comments towards the people who worked hard to create mangas instead just ignore or give low ratings so less people see or read it

    pansexual May 17, 2021 7:49 am
    Yes, we shouldn't encourage that but we also shouldn't encourage hate and hostile comments towards the people who worked hard to create mangas instead just ignore or give low ratings so less people see or read ... soleil

    haha~ you forget that it's just illegal website author not post here and read their rating~

    soleil May 17, 2021 4:55 pm
    haha~ you forget that it's just illegal website author not post here and read their rating~ pansexual

    hehe doesn't make a difference if u post it on the legal and illegal site because I'm talking about your influence to the people in general. Its totally okay to hate the genre, it is your right but as much as possible keep it to yourself~ :))