I’ve always been a fashion conscious girly girl. During my first pregnancy between the morning sickness....which lasted all day, the back aches, bloating in my ankles and feet, indigestion so bad I ate Tums like M&Ms and the constant exhaustion, by my 4th month I didn’t give a rat’s butt how I looked Make-up, wasn’t happening. Sweats, T-shirt and sneakers were my new fashion trend. Now, pregnancy number 2 was great. My only discomfort was in the last 6 weeks so I wore dresses, heels, make-up, my contacts and had my full fashion for glowing pregnant lady going on. So, it really depends on how the fl is feeling.
I swear in the first few chapters she actually had a bit of style but now she dresses like an old woman. And what is with those socks? DJ puts her to shame in the wardrobe department.