wild theories

bickerinbishie May 26, 2016 2:36 pm

nooo nooo don't do it with him ...you ll turn the whole village/tribe gay by teaching him that....oh that would be interestiiing (with everyone following the leader's example etc)

what if the blondie is his rival

whatif Qaltaqa makes the blondie the new leader if he finds a wife ..

what if ryo gets impregnated and brings forth mothers' spirit ... ( aand here's where things would go wild)

    Emmy May 26, 2016 4:27 pm

    Your train of thought went places. Beautiful wonderful places.

    bickerinbishie May 27, 2016 2:41 pm
    Your train of thought went places. Beautiful wonderful places. Emmy

    hahaha n here i thought my case was kinda...worrisome xD thanks