As much as I ship them both, I get Arthur's feelings, he's literally an old man living on a kid's body and TESS IS GETTING TOO QUICK CALM DOWWNN YOU'RE STILL 12 YEARS OLD JEEZ
Yeah I get Arthur but also I get Tess's pov. 12 years old (i think shes older than that tho) is the perfect time to start crushing and stuff, i had a friend lose her v card at 12...and that i agree is too soon, but crushing and puppy love is normal.
Yeah I get Arthur but also I get Tess's pov. 12 years old (i think shes older than that tho) is the perfect time to start crushing and stuff, i had a friend lose her v card at 12...and that i agree is too soon,... dreamer
sexually assaulting someone doesn’t look like puppy love to me. Also, don’t go around telling the world about your friends’ loss of v card at age of 12. No one needs to known that information.
As much as I ship them both, I get Arthur's feelings, he's literally an old man living on a kid's body and TESS IS GETTING TOO QUICK CALM DOWWNN YOU'RE STILL 12 YEARS OLD JEEZ