Also she has to relearn her speech. She might have the intelligence of her original age but the body doesn’t have the muscle memory of pronouncing certain letters and words. So it comes out kiddish. And I would think of you transmigrated to a younger body your mind would soon warp to fit the capability of that body. A child mind might have potential to grow but it is a process. Especially to untap what it already knows.
Y'all um um I'm cackling wtf i know i get it she's in a young body and a child but damn she acts like she's actually a fucking child lol it's kinda weird like i can't even see any maturity on her mentally i know she gotta act like it cause she is a child but i can't help but to forget that she's actually old and not a child mentally. This is so weird i can't lol like food whut dessert even if she's talking to herself on her mind she's like like a child like she wasn't transmigrated or whatever you call it.