Really backwards thinkin' here like uploading official translations makes someone who is stealing and illegally uploading onto free sites is any better than someone who just fan translates in their spare time lol
I get that it's annoying when people upload over one another but to say one is a lesser of two evils is just silly.

It's not silly, it's just a fact. The official version is at chapter 14 not 16. Once a title is licensed the only way to somehow justify making fantranslations is by being ahead of the official translation. But we've seen many times how much this hurts the sales. Titles that did well suddenly dropped in the rankings when a fantranslator uploaded ahead of official translations and titles that did mediocre suddenly got a boost once the fantranslators disappeared.
That's why extremely popular series will get a simultaneous release or the translation will be released 1-2 days later. They know fantranslators would take over if they didn't and how much money it'd cost them if that happened.
Okay, what Melly did was wrong translating a manhwa that's already licensed then uploading over the original uploader. But really? Are those enough to go and message her to say she should k*ll herself? If you hate her translations so much, y'all can report the chapters or politely ask her to unpublish them or just don't read them at all. She's in the wrong, sure, but telling her such things is bad, too. Plus, we're all reading this manhwa illegally; we have little to zero choices to read what gets uploaded here. Y'all complain and get mad as if you're supporting the author by wanting to read the officially translated ones.
And to you, Melly, I hope you've learned your lesson. NEVER EVER UPLOAD OVER SOMEONE WHO'S ALREADY UPLOADING UNLESS THEY SAID THEY'RE DROPPING THE STORY. Also, if you want to translate and upload here, go and pick up another story to translate rather than translating something that's already licensed.