Did you really mean to use the word "capricious" here? As in the sudden change in mood and behavior without warrant? If so, it doesn't correlate with the rest of your comment.i think the word you are looking for is "ungrateful" maybe. Or "ungracious". Possibly even "childish".
Other than that, people are allowed to feel what they want. Beyond that, mangago has been frustrating aor of people with false update notifications. I've gotten quite a few. Its also really annoying when scanlation teams go to war with one another and by continuously uploading the same chapter over each other again and again. I will never understand it. If it's a good upload, who cares if you did it or not, you know? Just leave it up and email the person privately and ask them not to do it again if you want to continue scanlating so badly. They talk about all the effort they put in yo is as though the other team hadn't put in just as much effort to produce relatively the same result. If it was a bad scan, I get it. But a good one? Makes no sense for them to gripe about it, really. It especially makes even less sense to publicize your war.
(Just FYI, none of this was said in malice against you at all. Or with sarcasm. I write formally when I don't know someone and that sometimes seems bitchy, but thats not my intent.) ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

No, you just not understand my comment, my word is exactly "capricious", yeah we call this also "ungrateful" or "ungrateful" but I want precisely use "capricious". If you doubt, that you didn't either read my comment or just don't understand, I don't know (it's not a reproach, just a possibility). Being capricious is not only "change in mood and behavior without warrant", all definition must be interpertated because, when you call a child capricious you just don't say "oh you change you behavior suddenly", when you call a child capricious it's because this suddenly change of behavior is unwarranted and just superficial also insincere, just to obtain what they want. It's exactly like this situation, some people are sooo happy, nice to the uploader when there are a new chapter and when uploader do something like put a INNOCENT notice they cry like a child who didn"t have the gift that they wanted, yes. It's capricious. so this is EXACTLY, What I wanted say.
Then, you say something so obvious that it's almost ridiculous to answer you... Who says that people didn't have the right to feel what they want ? Nobody here says that... This proves that you just really not understand what I was saying.... OBVIOUSLY people have the right to feel anything they want. The problem is to complain about something :
1 - Ridiculous, a simple note doesn't need angry messages like it's something bad to put a notice ! If someone is frustrated, they keep it for them, it's not because you're in internet that being polite is an option. When you don't like someone, you don't go to him saying "I HATE YOU", it's completely stupid, in internet it's the same.
There we are in : illegal platform, we read illegal scan, people work for us, complain about a SIMPLE notice, is not something that we can afford ! So it's just a caprice just "not to frustrated people", what are they, children ? You can support this "frustration" like everyone and just wait.
It's technically not your affair. It's notice boring u just ignore. You didn't even need to click on it... It's litteraly on the title "NOTICE"... what war are you talking about? It's just a notice... Seriously...
And then Mangago is a COMMUNITY and COMMUNITY, MUST have organisation. If you have your scans it's because people works on this, they have working a LONG time together to give you this scan sometimes. If someone (anonymous) put a scan, what we will do with the work of the main team ??? You put it in grabage ? All this work ? If people buy especially the scan for us, what they do ? You are exactly this ungrateful reader who doesn't reflect more that his own person, at no time have you thought to yourself that maybe if the scanlation team complains about other people uploading it is because they are officially working on this work and the anonymous uploader botches their work and strategy ? Some uploader, sometimes doesn't give scan for GOOD reasons. But you are so impatient that you don't try to understand why they are angry, you don't care because you just here to read. If you just here to read and not understand what is Mangago, so just don't complain ?
It's you don't understand why anonymous uploader are problematic sorry but you don't understand why a main scanlation group is needing and the organisation behind... You just insult the work of people there without questioning yourself as a reader who benefits from free work.

I can tell English is not your native language and that's okay. I figured that that was what you meant by using capricious. However, you made no reference to fickle behavior, so that's why I said it had no correlation to the rest of your comment. I understood what you were trying to say, but without some integrated sentences explaining its correlation to your comment, it makes it sound as though the word is used incorrectly.
Also, I understood the rest of your comment as well. I'm not approving of unwarranted behavior, such as in this case. I appreciate the notices given. What I don't like is when scan teams (and I've done it before so I know how much time and effort goes into it) re-upload the same chapter 5-9 times because they can't curb their pettiness of "no, I have to be the uploader". Neither uploader is in the wrong, and I only complain when someone is doing a good job scanlating and someone else comes in with poor quality and poor translations. Then I wonder what the point is and can understand the initial translators upset. However, there's nothing proving that the second uploader didn't pay for the chapter either. And if they translated and edited the chapter themselves or with a team, they also took time out to do so, just as the origin uploader did. So I don't see the point in being angry over it. That is my point. If the same effort is put in and the quality is the same, why are they complaining? They don't want their work negated and yet they want to negate others because they did the same thing and uploaded faster. It's hypocritical. I am not an impatient person. I have never been called that in my life and my life clearly supports the fact that I have an abundance of patience. Frustration does not equate to impatience. No one likes being disappointed, even minutely. It's a blip one radar, but it is annoying to receive the same notification over and over for the same chapter. A notice I understand and am grateful for, but not a notification for a chapter thats already been updated and was perfectly fine to stay that way. But like I said, mangago seems to be having issues with false notifications. And when I have 50 manga updating and 20 of them are false updates, that can be frustrating. Have a good day.
oooh poor of you, did you believe that it was a new chapter ? spoiled children, you deserve his people to stop working for you, you are so unworthy of their FREE services. People who are attacking main uploader because they let a note to ask people to stop to upload over theme, you are the worst. You forget that people WORK FREELY for YOU. They BUY, TRANSLATE, AND CLEAN chapters that YOU CANT buy. It's really the reunion of people who haven't any education. Notice is not something annoying or anything, if you don't want read this, DONT READ THIS, but don't be stupid and play the egoistic person that you are. Manga go is not your slave, you are illegally reading works that you shouldn't read ! Wake up, and shut your evil mouth seriously and let people who literally work for u to put a notice if they want, oh god, you are so capricious...it's sad.