its not an opinion. it is selfish and cruel to deny your child their other parent. unless they are a bad person, you do not have the right to do that. It is illegal to do so. if you want to be resented later by your child, or to see your childs pain as they wonder where their father/mother is go ahead and be selfish.
nothing wrong with raising a child alone when you cant help it, but its cruel to purposely deny a child their parent.
No, not every parent is selfish. i will never ever forget the sacrifices my mother made. My father left when i was 5 years old, he was cheating on her. He never helped financially. I was raised mostly by my mother and older sister.
But my mother never denied me my father. She would let him come over, and serve him a plate of food, all so we could see our father in the house. He would try to take us out from time to time.
He wouldn't put in as much effort, but she did everything she could to include him, and for that i will always be grateful.
Once you become a parent, you dont matter any more. Your childs wellbeing is number one.

What you're telling me really has nothing to do with the initial topic I answered but I'll still answer anyway. It IS an opinion and in MY opinion your Mother shouldn't have bothered. My life was similar only that my Mother had to raise two children on her own without any help on less than minimum wage. She did eventually remarry and after becoming an adult my so-called 'father' still tries to contact me from time to time but I call him by name and have no feelings other than disdain for him. My brother does occasionally keep in contact with him. He and I have different opinions on the man.
I do agree with your last statement, your child's well being but a parents well being factors in there too, unfortunately that's an extremely long explanation.
Keep in mind that none of what I said was meant to hurt you in any way. If it did, I'm sorry. I don't know your hardships but I'm sure I'm older and I've not exactly lived an easy life either.

the fact that you are so angry shows that you did need your father growing up. i wont argue with you. But if you want to understand the damage it does go on youtube and watch the show Paternity Court. Watch the episodes of people growing up without a father. How they repeat the cycle, or end up people with children with multiple people, and damaged from the lack of having a father.
also, dont tell me what my mother should or should not have done. if you want to damage your kids go right ahead.

I know I shouldn’t be replying as I have nothing to do with this but, from what I read, you sound angrier than them, so your argument makes no sense. Technically you didn’t exactly grow up with a father in your life 247 like a person with married parents did as well so that makes you a bit of a hypocrite also. You shouldn’t judge someone based on their family background, you should know.
I’m sorry if I sound rude, I probably am, it’s just your comment annoys me. Although you may not agree with their opinion, telling that person they’re going to damage their kids by doing so is just wrong. I’ve met great people who grew up in single family households who don’t know their other parent, they usually actually strive to do the opposite of their parent and try to be better that the parent that left.
i dont understand why her ex kept waiting for her. he just wanted to be involved in his sons upbringing and she lied to her son all his life. he could have been raised with both parents but his mother only cared about herself. sadly there are women that are that self absorbed in real life.