Right??? He’s faithful but kinda dumb? Idk the word to describe it. He will marry her cuz she is devoted??? then why didn’t every guy marry the girl that liked them and was devoted to liking them for years???
He could’ve continued to refuse but nah. He said he’ll marry her if she is till single and loves him after 3 years☠ but the wife doesn’t seem to mind. And considering it’s the ancient times it was normal to be married to more than 1 woman. Just j wish he didn’t marry anyone and only liked his wife and his wife alone and didn’t marry anyone.

I'm kinda weirded out by people who actually thinks that they have a chance when someone got a wife/husband that actually cares about them. For cases like abuse and sth it could be somewhat justified because eventually the former relationship needs to stop for the good of both. As though this... It's like the girl didnot think about the woman to or sth even tho maybe she said the concerns to other people damn

YESSSS i hate when people come and think “I might have a chance…” even tho bros got a wife/husband STOP BEING A HOME WRECKER!!! Like miss girl knew he was married b it still thought she had a chance and was close to him like girl DISTANCE! Also idc IF MEN HAD MANY WOMAN BACK THEN HES MARRIED AND THEYRE HAPPY DON’T RUIN THEMMM I see so many manhwas where the mc was cheated on and I hate it.
(It’s a 2 in 1 so if u wanna be with someone who’s married have the consent of the other party and if they’re ok with it might as well have a 3 way relationship with each other at least it’s not cheating if everyone agreed… idk)
I got to ch 3 and i already see a GiRL which is common as f that the MC gon think bout her ....
And concludes that this is harem
Then again hE has a WIFE thats at this point is very amazing n good tO him ....
Tell me is this worth reading ?