cymmyrixn May 16, 2021 2:40 am

I've read the novel and found out the reason why NianNian play awfully when he was in highschool. He played the piano awfully that time because that bitch Shen Louan(idk if the spelling is wrong) purposely spilled a boiling water to NianNian's hand. There will be another misunderstanding that will make NianNian divorce that motherfucker Yansheng.

    Fujoshi Weeb May 16, 2021 6:54 am

    Do you know if we are near the divorce chapter from the novel?

    cymmyrixn May 16, 2021 11:24 am
    Do you know if we are near the divorce chapter from the novel? Fujoshi Weeb

    If you will read the novel it will take 15 or more chapters before the divorce. But I don't when it comes to webtoon because they cut some narrative part so I think it'll be so near

    Fujoshi Weeb May 16, 2021 5:09 pm
    If you will read the novel it will take 15 or more chapters before the divorce. But I don't when it comes to webtoon because they cut some narrative part so I think it'll be so near cymmyrixn

    Oh okay thanks