Tsukki May 16, 2021 2:39 am

I have been reading a lot of BL Mangas and Manhwas that I almost forgot what it felt like reading opposite sex stories.

This one is honestly good and the feelings that the characters have been bottling up were conveyed in a very well manner. The character development is also commendable, the conflict has a good resolve that's why it became a catchy story.

This is a story where the ending is so obvious but still made the readers curious on HOW IT WILL HAPPEN.

How I wish that there will be another season for this story, where both of the leading characters are confident enough to show the world what they feel towards each other. And I hope that the leading lady will gain more confident with herself, especially now that she regain her passion in ballet.

As for her brother, why am I hoping that he bats for another team and that I ship him with Harue? Anyhow I wish him a happy life and everything good.

This story deserves a 5 star.
