Going through pretty much the same thing only difference is my one friend lost a ton of weight meanwhile I just kinda stayed the same and I guess I'm just feeling a little inferior, I'm really happy for her, of course, but I can't help but feel like I'm lacking or like all of my friends are pursuing glow-ups and I'm still the same person I was before

Firstly, I think you need to seek advice and support from a safer and more professional platform. But I understand how you might feel, it sounds like you are being wayyyy too hard on yourself. I really don’t think your friends would mind about your weight - if you frame it differently, would YOU be disappointed in any of your friends if they came back a size or 2 larger than they were before lockdown? The circumstances rn are so difficult. We’re in a pandemic, education, work and both your social and personal life has been drastically affected - so how can you expect yourself to remain unchanged and to cope with it perfectly??!
You need to cut yourself some slack here! You’re already doing amazingly well to have made it through this pandemic - living through a PANDEMIC is reallyyyyy not something you can just take in stride so you seriously need to put things unto perspective for yourself. Also weight gain is natural considering you’re at home all the time, often with continuous access to food, less distractions (going out with friends, commuting etc), less activity and WAYYYY more stress. You will naturally shed the weight again once you start moving about and getting back to your normal routine, so don’t be too hard on yourself and just think of it as your body naturally adjusting to cope with the circumstances,
So over quarantine I gained like 20lbs. My insecurities just keep on adding on as I get older, and my parents are no help since they seem to always criticize me. As if it’s easy to lose weight.
I had to buy a bunch of pants and get rid of my old one since they didn’t fit anymore. Even though the jeans look nice, they seem to look bad on me.
Sometimes I feel like there’s no hope in loving myself anymore. I’ve tried so hard to not care about how I look, but that’s impossible.
Knowing that I need to go back to school in a few days kills me, having to reveal myself to my friends after a year of not seeing them only for them to be disappointed with the way that I am. It’s embarrassing.
This was just a little rant about my problems ( ̄∇ ̄")