Why Is It Bad The Hate “Citrus” and Dislike “Bloom into you”

Alex_Kitsune May 15, 2021 9:30 pm

I feel like people in the Yuri/Shoujo Ai community kinda forgot that people are allowed to have opinions and dislikes. Like, for example I said “I personal hate Citrus. People who says it’s a LGBT manga I don’t agree with” multiple comments say “I’m a bitch” or “I have not good taste” ect. Another time I was asking for recommendations. Someone suggested “Bloom into you” I said “Sorry I couldn’t get into that manga” tons of fans ask me to “Read the Manga again you’ll get into it” (this comment don’t bother me it’s just I get all the time. If some dislike a manga or anime just drop it. They’ll pick up again if they want to.) or “Maybe you’re homophobic” or “Hater”. There’s two comments I get from both sides (Citrus or Bloom into you) “You’re jealous that you’re not lesbian” or “Shut up you’re not lesbian you won’t understand” or “You’re homophobic”
First all of, I am lesbian lol. Second of all, you don’t have to lesbian to understand the storyline. Great many of Yuri/Shoujo Ai fans are straight. Some might be bi, les, or pan ect (part of the LGBT Community). Just because a Manga/Anime is popular doesn’t mean everyone is going to love it/like it. People are allow to have opinions and preference.

    Bassam May 15, 2021 9:46 pm

    I totally agree. Everybody has different tastes, but people get easily upset when you don't have the same opinions as them or the majority. I had a similar thing happen to me too a couple of days ago. I started reading this one manga that everyone was hyping up but couldn't get further than a fourth of the story (I kept reading hoping that I would understand why everyone was obsessed with it but alas). I said I dropped it in the comments and I got so many dislikes...