It's not really a spoiler but I wanted to give you an idea of their relationship in the beginning and later on. It's slightly dubious in the beginning, which makes sense since they're not in any established relationship, but the author executes those scenes pretty well, as they are more light-hearted as the mc is exasperated he's being harassed by the pushy ml lol there's a comedic feel to it and even though the mL is pushy and touchy feely, one good punch or kick and he'll back off sulking but we later understand why he needs to try to engage in sexy time because it's the way for him to get back home I wouldn't take those scenes too seriously as they are meant to be funny and comedic even though not taking no as an answer is problematic. Obviously he'll retry his efforts to get in the mCs pants but they establish a contract of sorts or boundaries and conditions. It becomes give and take as one party supplies information and the other party some allows sexy times when he needs it. The mL is quite nice for a demon not gonna lie. He's a little selfish and goes at his pace but he listens when you tell him something and although he has the power to ignore it, he chooses to just sulk in the corner and flaunts how he has the power to do what he wants even though he never really does anything about it lol his subordinates pretty much adore and respect his power and leadership. What I love about this comic is that the primary genre is Fantasy, Action and Adventure. The romance gets strewn in there pretty seamlessly which I can appreciate. Their feelings for one another is quite a slow build and even though their bodies are way ahead lol their feelings are catching up. There's a second 'couple' and that is 100% non consentual and super psychologically abusive. I would watch out for that one. Hope this helps. As someone whose on top of things like consent and healthy representations, I quite enjoy this couple :D
can someone please tell me if it's a love story or just another story with an abusive relationship