I finished this story in indonesian language (it's already completed for a long time ago, english webtoons is late in translating this), yes it has romance, ML is the make up artist, he had a crush on FL first, and he got jealous when FL dated her sunbae (there's a bit triangle love as well after FL and that sunbae broke up, sunbae want to get back with FL, so ML get in the way), ML confessed his love to FL, there's a lot of scenes where he blushed because of FL, and sometimes they blushed to each other, in the final chapter they officially date each other
The message of self love is indeed the focus of this story, but yes it's still romance, even though the romance part develop really slow, the genre is still romance, there are many shoujo manga that are listed as romance despite the main couple had no romantic feelings for a long time, couple like this are usually those who started as platonic friends, partners, or rivals
For example there's an old shoujo manga that's quite similar to this, the title is 'beauty pop' and it was released in 2003/2004, the main characters (FL and ML) are both hair stylists, it's similar because almost every chapter is about how they make people prettier in some beauty shows to give them confidence and self-love, FL and ML are rivals and they had no romantic feelings at all for a lot of chapters before ML fall in love first and suffered of onesided love and love triangle (his friend had a crush on FL too), ML didn't have a chance to directly confessed to FL when FL had to move overseas near the end of the story, he only hugged her and asked her to wait for him, he didn't specifically said he loves her and they're not dating at all, but suddenly there's 10 years time skip, and they already got married and have kids, you probably won't consider this story as romance, but it's obviously listed as 'romance, comedy, school, shoujo' in myanimelist
I was reading it on the webtoon app like a month ago but even if it was in the category of romance, IT HAS NOT! The only love I saw in the story was the fl or side characters starting to love theirself, but thats it
I never finished but I dropped it because of that