it’s because when he was young about 15 or 16, he was really sick and her mother worries that their bloodline is going to end so that’s why she got a noble lady aka the first queen to have sex with him in other words rape him while being sick so she can get pregnant and continue the bloodline, the ml got better and the girl got pregnant and became his wife ://
Ewwwww that's sl disgusting....i just hate the way those mf nobles think ヽ(`Д´)ノ wtf the bloodline is her concern instead of jer own 15 yo son?that's too much
it’s because when he was young about 15 or 16, he was really sick and her mother worries that their bloodline is going to end so that’s why she got a noble lady aka the first queen to have sex with him in other words rape him while being sick so she can get pregnant and continue the bloodline, the ml got better and the girl got pregnant and became his wife ://