Even if u think so then I hv to say that even the ship u like , the creators hv no ri8 to create djs about them bc u urself said they hv no.ri8 on characters... It's not about ri8... If authority was involved here dounjinshis wouldn't be existing ... Doesn't matter if ugaf bc I see that's what only u think maybe not even the anime creators

Omg-... what i meant by them not being their characters was that even if they try to change their age, it still wouldn’t change their actual age lol. Aging characters to sexualise them is wrong. Yes, ik he 19 now but they used his teenage self to do that and aged that version up... is it so hard to understand? I aint never said that you can’t use characters that already exist in your doujis, it’s just the fact that the one who made this probably already shipped them in the show that bothers me. If you wanna read that shit... go ahead. Just know that you might get bullied/made fun of bc of that

Just having accusation that they might hv shipped their minor form in the anime doesn't actually prove the fact that they can't make a dj.. well , my basic point is that they can make it bc it's just outta imagination... The wantings that they didn't get in anime...fan-fuctions or djs r meant to be like that... Nd fam-fucs about their idols r loved by all so why not a dj when in fan-fucs the characters r actual beings nd in animes they're not? So what's the prblm with dj anyways? I don't see it...
Nah I read this one nd this ship didn't meet my expectations so I'mma continue with my other ships ... I'm not afraid to prove my point or getting bullied for that uk... Even if I don't like them I'm not gonna spread hate bc at least some ppl like them
and yall chose the eren minor version ? ew