People are actually defending google translations? like damn, this is why actual groups th...

Kyuu May 14, 2021 6:04 pm

People are actually defending google translations? like damn, this is why actual groups that put effort and work disband.
This is also a work that won’t be touched by them and we’re left with shitty translations forever.

I can’t grasp it man, you’re literally the reason we can’t have nice things.

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 6:12 pm

    What are you talking about? This was dropped by the people who were translating it before? No one picked it up, so I decided to do the best I could so that we could enjoy the rest of the story to some degree. What's the problem with that?? I don't understand. Google translate isn't good or accurate sure, but when literally no one else was touching it, it's better than nothing???

    Heyaheya May 14, 2021 6:29 pm
    What are you talking about? This was dropped by the people who were translating it before? No one picked it up, so I decided to do the best I could so that we could enjoy the rest of the story to some degree. W... Suisalty

    I'm sorry people are being this rude to you. Thank you so much for picking it up and translation was pretty good. Sending Lots of hugs to you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Roxy May 14, 2021 6:35 pm
    What are you talking about? This was dropped by the people who were translating it before? No one picked it up, so I decided to do the best I could so that we could enjoy the rest of the story to some degree. W... Suisalty

    Lol why are people complaining, I didn’t even notice anything wrong with the translations. Maybe I’m just an idiota but the translations were fine to me. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:23 pm
    What are you talking about? This was dropped by the people who were translating it before? No one picked it up, so I decided to do the best I could so that we could enjoy the rest of the story to some degree. W... Suisalty

    We disagree, I don’t believe google translate is better than nothing.
    I would rather wait for good quality than throw this into the trash with bad translations.

    If we get to this level I might as well just read raws with my phone and auto translate, same result.

    YAYAYA May 14, 2021 7:26 pm
    We disagree, I don’t believe google translate is better than nothing.I would rather wait for good quality than throw this into the trash with bad translations.If we get to this level I might as well just read... Kyuu

    then go read the raws with auto translate and let us enjoy suisalty's efforts

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:27 pm
    then go read the raws with auto translate and let us enjoy suisalty's efforts YAYAYA

    Afafaggaga what a way to miss the point.
    Which is precisely this, because of people like you, we’re stuck with trash.

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 7:35 pm
    We disagree, I don’t believe google translate is better than nothing.I would rather wait for good quality than throw this into the trash with bad translations.If we get to this level I might as well just read... Kyuu

    Then don't read it? What is the point of spreading hate like this? No one was going to pick it up and others are still completely free to if they want to give a proper translation. I waited over a year before I picked up the 5th chapter and it's been almost a year since even that and no one else has come to translate it, so I'm going to finish the translation for those who want it. You clearly haven't read some of the other translations on this site because at least I do the best I can to make everything make sense, there are so many translations on here that don't make any sense at all, but even those have effort put into them and good intention behind them most of the time. After 2 years I think it's pretty safe to say that no one is going to properly pick up this manga, so you can just go ahead and not read it if a Google/bing translation is so horrible to you.

    YAYAYA May 14, 2021 7:35 pm
    Afafaggaga what a way to miss the point. Which is precisely this, because of people like you, we’re stuck with trash. Kyuu

    im not missing the point im just saying that if you're not satisfied you can always look elsewhere and find what's good for you. but being rude to someone trying their best is just uselessly mean and that kind of negativity and ungrateful attitude is the actual reason ppl give up on translating mangas

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:52 pm
    im not missing the point im just saying that if you're not satisfied you can always look elsewhere and find what's good for you. but being rude to someone trying their best is just uselessly mean and that kind ... YAYAYA

    Like how good groups that put effort and time give up on mangas cause you guys keep praising this no effort bullshit?
    Which is a lot worse.

    I honestly don’t care if shitty translations disappear, they should, and they should stop cheapening the work and effort of good translators.

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 7:54 pm
    Afafaggaga what a way to miss the point. Which is precisely this, because of people like you, we’re stuck with trash. Kyuu

    I mean you’re kinda trash period so it might be that’s what you’re smelling cuz this translation seemed ok to me

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 7:56 pm
    I mean you’re kinda trash period so it might be that’s what you’re smelling cuz this translation seemed ok to me Nacho mama

    Damn what a compelling argument full of actual statements that have to do with the discussion at hand you sure showed me and not came out looking like a 5 year old moron

    Suisalty May 14, 2021 7:57 pm
    Like how good groups that put effort and time give up on mangas cause you guys keep praising this no effort bullshit? Which is a lot worse. I honestly don’t care if shitty translations disappear, they should,... Kyuu

    People give up on manga if people butt into their translations without even asking. I haven't done this. The manga was dropped by the people translating it, no one picked it up after over a year even though the raws are available here, so I did what I could so that I could read the rest of the story and so I could share it with others. There was then a whole nother year gap between then and now for someone to pick it up, but they didn't. You're being an asshole to the wrong people, this negativity is unecessary. I've done nothing wrong, how can I cheapen the work of good translators if there are none working on this manga? This takes time and effort as well, and though it is nowhere near as difficult as a proper translation, there is no one translating it properly and that is not my fault. That was the case before I came along. Go be an asshole somewhere else.

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 8:02 pm
    Damn what a compelling argument full of actual statements that have to do with the discussion at hand you sure showed me and not came out looking like a 5 year old moron Kyuu

    ur welcome my dude glad it was informative cuz you really seemed unaware

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 8:04 pm
    People give up on manga if people butt into their translations without even asking. I haven't done this. The manga was dropped by the people translating it, no one picked it up after over a year even though the... Suisalty

    Bruh don’t waste your time. Assholes like these are like roaches. They just never go away and they thrive hiding in the dark. Don’t even bother worrying about it. Plenty of people appreciate. Dickheads like this can bitch all they want but they’re just lazy and entitled

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:04 pm
    People give up on manga if people butt into their translations without even asking. I haven't done this. The manga was dropped by the people translating it, no one picked it up after over a year even though the... Suisalty

    Wow you sure did a 180 from feeling you bad cause people were mean to just pure salt.
    You can post whatever the fuck you want but if you out your work out there people have the right to criticize it.

    Again, I would rather wait for good translations even if they take more than a year than this. To me this is just throwing that possibility to the trash. Thanks for that btw.
    Plus it encourages this google translate shit even more so yes, my point stands, good groups that actually out time and effort to do good work end up getting discouraged because of shit like this.

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:06 pm
    Bruh don’t waste your time. Assholes like these are like roaches. They just never go away and they thrive hiding in the dark. Don’t even bother worrying about it. Plenty of people appreciate. Dickheads like... Nacho mama

    Then stop wasting your time with this roach and leave.
    You guys keep throwing insults but no arguments like that makes you automatically correct.

    Nacho mama May 14, 2021 8:07 pm
    Then stop wasting your time with this roach and leave.You guys keep throwing insults but no arguments like that makes you automatically correct. Kyuu

    no point trying to reason with someone who lacks braincella

    Kyuu May 14, 2021 8:08 pm
    no point trying to reason with someone who lacks braincella Nacho mama

    Damn another not argument, that’s 3 strikes already you’re sure showing those brain cells of yours.

    Otaku May 14, 2021 8:09 pm
    We disagree, I don’t believe google translate is better than nothing.I would rather wait for good quality than throw this into the trash with bad translations.If we get to this level I might as well just read... Kyuu

    Respectfully, shut up.

    amimie May 14, 2021 8:09 pm
    Then don't read it? What is the point of spreading hate like this? No one was going to pick it up and others are still completely free to if they want to give a proper translation. I waited over a year before I... Suisalty

    I get what Kyuu's getting on, and I agree with him on the idea. It's much more evident in manhwa, manhua and lengthy manga. Where you get a bad translation of a chapter. And then there is a good group that will pick it up, but he won't redo the bad chapters and we're stuck with them... é_è
    That's really said. :'))

    But as I said, "bad translation" and not google translation. Because, obviously google translation aren't all that bad, especially when the translator put in the effort. And when he's stuck on a sentence, he takes the time to look it up in the net, ask people for help and all...
    (btw, is a really good tool to dissect the sentences in order to better understand them).

    What I call a bad translation is when the person doesn't make the effort and simply writes a side note: "I don't get this at all". x) and moves on. That's just called a half assed job. There's always a way. And I talk from experience... What I do most of the time is joining a scan group and trying my luck, asking them for a little help. (Just a little help, like one or two sentences that don't make any sense to me... not the whole chapter... x))

    I wanted to tell you that you mostly did a great job, and I'll be here to read the rest of your translation. :3
    I hope you know that I'm not trying to criticize you but give you some tips and advice.

    I also want to tell Kyuu that the translation is really not bad, I mean the meaning is there, and that's what's most important.
    It's just a little rough and sounds unnatural sometimes, like "It's THE physiological response" >> "It's A physiological reaction?" but it's not really that important, at least for me. ;p
