im so sorry but im on chapter 8 and i find the ml really frustrating to deal with😩 and ...

hamborgor May 14, 2021 5:04 pm

im so sorry but im on chapter 8 and i find the ml really frustrating to deal with and the mc is always getting flustered so he can't confront the ml thoroughly is there any spoilers or chapters that can keep me going? does it get better and is there any character development?? im so sorry if y'all don't agree with me(╥﹏╥)

    Bloop May 14, 2021 6:45 pm

    Yeaaa, I’m not gonna lie to you they are terrible with communication but it do get better. Buttt if you want some spoilers, I got you.

    Soo after Ml rejected mc the same way mc did when they were in school “I’m sorry but the face is everything to me” it became war for them. Ml continues to overwork and tease him while mc try his hardest to avoid Ml. This goes on until chapter 12-13, mc was told to do some task for the company and report back to the chief after he was done. It was tiring and so unnecessary that even the chief (the person who told him to do the task) forgot about it. Ml sees him upset and asked him what the problem was, obviously mc didn’t want to see or talk to him so he ignored him and kept walking. Ml followed him out, asking him what was wrong and mc sis she didn’t want to see him ever again. So mc got moved to another department. Mc drank so much after that that ml had to take him home, where he basically confessed to still liking mc. They have sex and in the morning mc regretted it.

    That Monday ml apologize to mc for being petty and for everything that happened and mc basically told him to not apologize but to just pretend it didn’t happen (the sex and the war) .after that company life for mc has been way better, he even got an assignment task and he finishes ig throughout. Until he got fired because the information wasn’t put in correctly, but his co-worker was the problem and blamed it on mc. (They worked it out and mc got his job back) ml felt pretty bad for making mc cry again and ended up drinking too much and ofc mc had to take him back to his place. Ml confessed again to mc and they have sex blah blah. Now they are sex partners (bc mc didn’t want to admit to liking ml back)

    fast forward to now, ml had to go to meeting in New York. Ml promised to call mc during the 3 days he was gonna be gone but mc haven’t be answering the phone. So mc gets drunk with his friend (note mc is also sick) and obviously get caught by ml. Now ml is jealous and takes mc back to his place. Ml told mc that he’s not gonna have sex with him because of his cold and because he’s drunk. So mc told him if he don’t have sex with him, he’s just gonna find some one else. They have sex blah blah, when they stop ml asks why mc is acting like this. Mc admit to missing him and asked him why he didn’t call him all that time. Ml didn’t call because someone accidentally pushed him which resulted to his phone slipping and falling down many many stairs. Blah blah blah, they both finally admitted to liking each other and now they are dating yay. Everything seemed like pure bliss when someone suspicious is knocking on mc’s door while mc isn’t there.

    Savvy May 14, 2021 8:28 pm
    Yeaaa, I’m not gonna lie to you they are terrible with communication but it do get better. Buttt if you want some spoilers, I got you. Soo after Ml rejected mc the same way mc did when they were in school “... Bloop

    Madd you full on explained everything, this is exactly what I'm asking for when I say spoilers

    Joy May 17, 2021 2:30 pm
    Yeaaa, I’m not gonna lie to you they are terrible with communication but it do get better. Buttt if you want some spoilers, I got you. Soo after Ml rejected mc the same way mc did when they were in school “... Bloop

    I read all this already but the way u explained this can u be my personal spoiler cause this was legit the best spoiler explanation i ever read wow