wait where did you hear that the official title is "Lout of Count’s Family"? It's called "trash of Count’s Family" on novelupdates and on ao3. I'm not disagreeing I'm just wondering where the title came from (and if this is another Omniscient Reader type situation (the original translators for that called it Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint before the official translation came out))

it’s not about what sounds good and what’s not. Right now you are disrespecting the author’s wishes. Not only are you reading this illegally but can’t do a simple thing as using it’s official title? I just want to to spread the word of how we can support the author in small ways and this is one of them.

Yeah I used to call it tcf a lot before but then again theres a nice feel to it when you start using it’s official title ! As much as possible I hope you will share this manhwa with its official title especially in public instead~ Copin Comics has screenshots of sharing illegal sites through facebook! This site might get trouble again TT

You shouldn't talk like that. Maybe the author have her own reason maybe her not but as one of her work fan, you know you shouldn't say like that. Even when author didn't care about us, since we reading her work and that this story really make us happy, we can support the author by any way and one of them changing title's name and as much i love tcf name, and i din' want it to change. Still, you can't say something like that. And yesterday is tcf third anniversary. And all of this just my opinion. Please don't be offended, i just want to say all of this. Thank youu (⌒▽⌒)

If you think about it the more exposed this illegal title is the more aware the legal companies are about the situation. I do not know the full situation about WuxiaWorld but from the bits and pieces that I heard another Wuxiaworld with the same name have been illegally translating the novel hence leading the author to stop working with the legal Wuxiaworld- I also heard that Wuxiaworld the legal one never gave money to the author to begin with.. eitherway I do not know. I am just a fan that wants to share the official title so others can use it instead. There are plenty of benefits to this, others who didn’t know the legal platforms of this manhwa can find it when they search for it in google. What is so difficult in using the official title anyways?

It’s fine I understand your point of view since most of us didn’t accept it at first ^^ however.. this is just a warning from my end not a threat. The legal platforms including the author is making a move.. sharing illegal sites and its official name is exposing this site.. we don’t want this site to disappear again now don’t we?

The real wuxiaworld pays for the copyright to the authors after negotiating with them. When they tried to contact the author before, she/he replied to the fake wuxiaworld site (if I'm not mistaken). The author got angry that the fake ww didn't reply to him/her. And when everything got settled and real ww had already explained everything that the author contacted the wrong people, the author decided not to cooperate with ww when it was her/his careless mistake to begin with.
Hello, is there a way to change the title to its official title? “Lout of Count’s Family” although this is an illegal site I think more people should call it with its official title. It was also the author’s request to change the title to that.