5 years after

Ilyusha May 14, 2021 12:08 pm

Someone have replied in a topic I created 5 years ago, and I was really bewildered when I first saw it and since I can't remember making it at all. I don't comment in my (younger self's) opinion since I can't really remember the story line of that manga. But, the way I have wrote it really shocked me. It's quite funny to read my old post since the compositions are really immature and funny. I think I was 18 years old back then since yaoi is rated 18. I did follow the labels.

Long story short I have viewed all the topics I have created in the first few years of making this account. It was funny since the compositions are really haughty and hot blooded. Some even have sound effects. Opinion wise, I still do agree with it but I think my POV have changed for the better, that I can even understand the character's setting and actions that my younger self can't even tolerate.

Knowledge especially the field of psychology (PS. I don't major in psychology but it was a prerequisite in my course) really does hones one's understanding. And experience lets you sympathize with others, letting you have a deeper understanding to the meaning and consequences
that lead to those actions. It was quite cute to see my growth by just reading my old topics from here.

Try it too, It might also give you a good laugh.

    Kash May 14, 2021 12:17 pm

    It happened to me too when I read my old diary.... Which was read by my sis( my sis teased me that I live in dreams) .. And then I read my diary to know what I actually wrote there... And man I got goosebumps all over my body... Like I used to be so naive and innocent......
    And then ripped my diary to shreads so that no one ever read it ...

    Muscle/Buffed guy fetish May 14, 2021 12:25 pm

    Wheres the link on the comment/argument

    Ilyusha May 14, 2021 12:26 pm
    It happened to me too when I read my old diary.... Which was read by my sis( my sis teased me that I live in dreams) .. And then I read my diary to know what I actually wrote there... And man I got goosebumps a... Kash

    Our immaturity, either in attitude or opinions are always gonna be part of our dark history. But it was cute to keep a diary, you could have keep it as a momento. RIP to the innocence and naivety we have that we will never get back after opening the door of rottenness.

    Ilyusha May 14, 2021 12:29 pm
    Wheres the link on the comment/argument Muscle/Buffed guy fetish

    Let the dark history be buried in the endless flow of time.

    NZIGHT °|° May 14, 2021 12:42 pm

    Now u seriously said the right thing I mean I made comments on this site year ago about 6 years ago post of mine and my younger self seriously made me laugh I can't believe I don't even remember those mangas plots now when I read them I feed like delete it delete damn it's so embarrassing but those are my memories !! Of starting days.

    Ilyusha May 14, 2021 12:53 pm
    Now u seriously said the right thing I mean I made comments on this site year ago about 6 years ago post of mine and my younger self seriously made me laugh I can't believe I don't even remember those mangas pl... NZIGHT °|°

    Same, I really also want to delete but those are my precious proof of my POV and character growth so I'm still gonna keep them.