Absolutely cute, wholesome and fluffy story but lots of stereotypes

Mahk971 May 14, 2021 11:18 am

It’s was absolutely cute, fluffy and wholesome and the art style was really good BUT I’m bothered with a few things.

As a black girl I was very reluctant to read this story because of the cultural/racial aspect. And I was right, reading this story was like reading a cute fan fiction with a bunch of stereotypes on african people: huge dick, muscled ass, great at basketball, fast runner (come on, Luca outrun a leopard ...), living with lions etc...
I think the author did some quick research but didn’t go any further than Wikipedia.

As for the plot, it went way too fast, I mean Luca confessed his love to Makoto hours after meeting him for the first time. They fucked the day after and in all of that neither of them questioned their sexual orientation.

    Tobiochann May 14, 2021 1:50 pm

    Exactly my thought

    Sakusa Kiyoomi May 14, 2021 11:18 pm

    but every seme in yaoi have big D tho

    Mahk971 May 15, 2021 5:45 am
    but every seme in yaoi have big D tho Sakusa Kiyoomi

    Yeah but I’ve never seen a uke ask a seme if « all asian have big dick like him ».

    NachoWifu May 16, 2021 12:16 pm

    Something I wanted to say with your post, I was also thinking why they didn't question their sexual orientation, but i realize that just because the former is the norm, doesn't mean the latter can't happen. I've come across people who are just like "so?" Or nanchalant about engaging in sexual activity with someone of the same sex, as if they're so far removed from people who struggle with their identify, and I understand that most of the time it has to do with upbringing. The only reason we question ourselves is because we understand that typically a generic relationship is between a man and a woman and when we don't fall into that category, we're like what's wrong? But people who grow up in conditions where it's not questioned or not considered the sole represention of a romantic relationship, they just don't think about it. Like they understand society is one way, but they just won't go through the same mental struggle. I was thinking that since the mc is surrounded and grew up with alot of animals and people who study animals know that homosexual behavior is observed in thousands of species in nature. By now in modern times, there's also nothing particularly new or special about gay relationships in people. Maybe it's just not that kind of story if that makes sense? Some stories I've read, uses the struggles of sexual orientation as a plot device and others want to make it the norm instead.

    And the other thing that got my wondering was the fact the mL said in his hometown it was frown upon to be in a same sex relationships or to lay with another man and a man, but then by the end of the manga the mc literally will be living in his home town now and I'm like.... Ummmm lol

    And the stereotypes leave much to be desired

    um- May 17, 2021 1:48 pm
    but every seme in yaoi have big D tho Sakusa Kiyoomi

    that's a huge heteronormative stereotype that's put into a lot of mangas

    cobrakai1972 May 18, 2021 11:29 pm

    oh wow I didnt even think about it like that! I really thought those were coincidences, that Luca was shown to be great at sports to show the difference between him and Makoto, like how opposite they were etc. but now that you listed a bunch of the so called coincidences, they dont seem like there coincidences anymore. thank you for bringing light into this!!!

    Big Kusa May 19, 2021 9:34 am

    Hmm stereotypes don’t become stereotypes unless there was some truth behind it. While all of these stereotypes are indeed overused, it is true that while not all black people enjoy basketball ball, their seems to be a large population black people that do in fact enjoy basketball. Luca can just be one of those people. I have nothing to say about the muscled ass or fast runner, people have different body types idk. but if you do extensive research on maasai people, there are no sources that actually dispute the fact that a lot of maasai live in villages. Considering the many Maasai live in the savannah, living among lions may be like living among bears for the Russians and canadians. It depends on the environment, an whole not super common to see, it’s expected. Also, I like how the author shows that Luca is not just some guy from the village and that he actually goes to the city, visits shops goes to school has a phone and such. Too much, when I was younger did I read about African people living in villages and the books acting like they are always super poor don’t have acces to modern technology and or starving to death always. Also I do not think everyone has to question their sexual orientation. When I was younger, on the tv, there was a lot of people who were gay and comedians. While being gay or lgbtq was not seen as bad it was also not really talked about. If someone is found to be gay it’s like, oh he’s gay? Lol and then they become known as that one gay cousin. I had many family members that were friends with gay men, who tended to be flamboyant and were usually the best singers at parties. And parties pre pandemic with my fam were prettt common like every week so I have come to this conclusion. (I actually didn’t meet people who were not stereotypically gay until I went to America lol) It was just a daily occurrence that peopel didn’t mind or care much about, as such, when I moved to America, whenever I saw people in the media being shocked when someone turned out gay, my initials reaction was usually just, ok. Why’s it such a big deal. It was not until my friend nervously came out as bi when I began to understand the history behind lgbtq and how people actually got beat up for being it, which is when I finally understood the shocked reactions of people on the media to someone being gay. (This was like 2024-2015 lol, now it’s actually really common lol) also, I am not gay so I don’t have a personal story of how it’s actually like aside from my personal experience. Also maybe some are like me who didn’t really care if gay or not. I like girls and boys. of course, I am not disputing your opinion I’m just offering a different view. I am Filipino. Not black. Feel free to dispute me even though it’s unlikely peopel will read this accidentally very long post.

    Sakusa Kiyoomi May 19, 2021 10:46 am
    Hmm stereotypes don’t become stereotypes unless there was some truth behind it. While all of these stereotypes are indeed overused, it is true that while not all black people enjoy basketball ball, their seem... Big Kusa

    thank you ,this is exactly my thoughts but i don't know how to say it cuz my English is poor , plus this is not a long story like some korean webtoon the author has to squeeze this into few chapters