
Unholy_human May 14, 2021 7:59 am

If this has sexual scenes(especially involving ash) istg I'm suing

    Anonymous May 14, 2021 10:50 am

    Then gtfo of here. Nobody gives two shits about what you like or dont like to see so stuff that moral elitism up your ass

    Unholy_human May 14, 2021 11:05 am
    Then gtfo of here. Nobody gives two shits about what you like or dont like to see so stuff that moral elitism up your ass Anonymous

    Bruh you uneducated bitch. It's not okay to sexual ash like at all, the mf was rapped ever since he was a child and he was left with intense trauma, even the creator of banana fish said that if ash and eiji ever got together it would be an asexual relationship bc ash is too afraid to do anything bc he gets instant flashbacks of being rapped and doesn't feel anything special about it. You people are dumb and disgusting, think through something and do your research before you come here acting all tough and if you want to read smut literally get tf out and read something else you basic bitch

    Anonymous May 14, 2021 11:47 am
    Bruh you uneducated bitch. It's not okay to sexual ash like at all, the mf was rapped ever since he was a child and he was left with intense trauma, even the creator of banana fish said that if ash and eiji eve... Unholy_human

    Well this manga is certainly going to get sexual later on so boo-fucking-hoo. "Get tf out and read something else" lmfao bitch that should be my line. Why tf did you come here then if you don't wanna see stuff you dont want. The only reason you did was so you can bitch about it all. Like it's literally a fucking dj what the fuck did you expect when you clicked on this you dumb bitch. Besides it's fucking fiction so if people wanna draw/read about Blondie fucking or getting fucked that's their business.
    Now get your ugly ass out of here lmao stupid moral elitist hoe.

    Anonymous May 14, 2021 11:49 am

    The dislikes on this are well earned, btw. Good job on that

    Unholy_human May 14, 2021 12:37 pm
    Well this manga is certainly going to get sexual later on so boo-fucking-hoo. "Get tf out and read something else" lmfao bitch that should be my line. Why tf did you come here then if you don't wanna see stuff ... Anonymous

    So ur basically saying ur only reading this for the smut? Oh well just know one thing not everybody clicked this expecting smut. People like you are ones that ruin things. Sexualing ash is literally disgusting bc theres even people in real life who go through that. Now your attention seeking ass can get the fuck out of here and stop embarrassing yourself you rat

    Scarlet May 14, 2021 1:43 pm
    Bruh you uneducated bitch. It's not okay to sexual ash like at all, the mf was rapped ever since he was a child and he was left with intense trauma, even the creator of banana fish said that if ash and eiji eve... Unholy_human

    Firstly this is a comic
    Secondly this is a dj no realtionship to the real story
    Thirdly if you are uncomfortable with this you can choose not to read this....there's no need to be rude and criticize others taste

    Unholy_human May 14, 2021 2:12 pm
    Firstly this is a comic Secondly this is a dj no realtionship to the real story Thirdly if you are uncomfortable with this you can choose not to read this....there's no need to be rude and criticize o... Scarlet

    I really wasn't really trying to be rude at all and the topic that I made was at firstly really just a joke but people for some reason started getting pressed then started arguing, but it I offended someone I'll apologise but the other person took it way to seriously and threw the insults first

    DemFeels May 14, 2021 2:15 pm
    So ur basically saying ur only reading this for the smut? Oh well just know one thing not everybody clicked this expecting smut. People like you are ones that ruin things. Sexualing ash is literally disgusting ... Unholy_human

    uhh you do realise people who go through that as children can go on to have normal sexual relationships when they're older? It's usually a lot more difficult and takes a lot more time but with the right partner and a lot of time most of us live a relatively normal life.

    Scarlet May 14, 2021 3:15 pm
    I really wasn't really trying to be rude at all and the topic that I made was at firstly really just a joke but people for some reason started getting pressed then started arguing, but it I offended someone I'l... Unholy_human

    Yes I can see that....... the arguments went from 1 to 100 real quick but it's not worth arguing over comic right ? And also you can't always expect everyone to be stuck behind their past that's just sad , ppl have to move on in their life and need to find their own happy ending or else their entire life will be filled with regret, fear, trauma and missery.

    Btw everyone be safe and have a great day(⌒▽⌒)

    Unholy_human May 14, 2021 6:36 pm
    Yes I can see that....... the arguments went from 1 to 100 real quick but it's not worth arguing over comic right ? And also you can't always expect everyone to be stuck behind their past that's just sad , ppl... Scarlet

    Bruh I might have gotten fired up too ngl-
    I admit I get a little touchy with banana fish bc it's my comfort anime and I kinda relate to it but still

    Unholy_human May 14, 2021 6:38 pm
    Bruh I might have gotten fired up too ngl-I admit I get a little touchy with banana fish bc it's my comfort anime and I kinda relate to it but still Unholy_human

    It got me kind of mad since the person was basically reading it for smut and yeah-
    Mah bad-

    Unholy_human May 14, 2021 6:42 pm
    uhh you do realise people who go through that as children can go on to have normal sexual relationships when they're older? It's usually a lot more difficult and takes a lot more time but with the right partner... DemFeels

    Yeah my bad I got fired up like that cuz aaaaahhh yeah I got fired up but as you said trauma like that isn't easy to forget and bc as someone who went through something like that im comfortable with only certain people and idk I kinda forgot about that since again the other person basically said they're only reading this for the smut-

    DemFeels May 14, 2021 7:48 pm
    Yeah my bad I got fired up like that cuz aaaaahhh yeah I got fired up but as you said trauma like that isn't easy to forget and bc as someone who went through something like that im comfortable with only certai... Unholy_human

    Haha dw about it

    Anonymous May 15, 2021 1:22 am
    Yeah my bad I got fired up like that cuz aaaaahhh yeah I got fired up but as you said trauma like that isn't easy to forget and bc as someone who went through something like that im comfortable with only certai... Unholy_human

    Bitch stfu. When did I say that dont put words in my mouth, cunt. I'm only criticizing your self-righteous moral elitism bull shit. And even if I or anyone for that matter were reading this for smut, that's their business bitch and you dont get to police us tf. Get the fuck out

    Scarlet May 15, 2021 4:18 am
    Bitch stfu. When did I say that dont put words in my mouth, cunt. I'm only criticizing your self-righteous moral elitism bull shit. And even if I or anyone for that matter were reading this for smut, that's the... Anonymous

    Well you are now being way rude..... if you are this rude to someone your opinions won't mean a thing to others. That person was mature enough and apologised and your are here continuing to hurt someone indirectly with your painful words. And I'm not blind sir/mam I can clearly see that you were the one who used cus words and started this entire arguments. Why do you care what that person says in the comment , they were just showing their opinion and it does not seem like a bad comment at all. But here you are starting arguments and throwing cus words to them like you have no actual job to do.

    And sir/mam you have no rights whatsoever to criticize their self righteous moral elitism
    .....who do you think yourself as God? The only bullshit I can see here is your thought of trying to criticize others for their moral.

    Have a nice day and pls don't spark this arguments anymore as these words can very well end up hurting one of you guys ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Scarlet May 15, 2021 4:22 am
    Well you are now being way rude..... if you are this rude to someone your opinions won't mean a thing to others. That person was mature enough and apologised and your are here continuing to hurt someone indi... Scarlet

    I just spotted few typos in my comment.... I can't edit them as there's no option. For whoever wanting to point it out, just dont. I already noticed them . So no need to play the role of proofreader .

    Anonymous May 15, 2021 4:36 am
    Well you are now being way rude..... if you are this rude to someone your opinions won't mean a thing to others. That person was mature enough and apologised and your are here continuing to hurt someone indi... Scarlet

    Huh would you look at that. How quickly and easily you changed side. Anyway I'm done here so bye lmao

    Scarlet May 15, 2021 4:41 am
    Huh would you look at that. How quickly and easily you changed side. Anyway I'm done here so bye lmao Anonymous

    You must have mistaken I never been in anybody's side..... Im just saying my opinion of what feels right to be. If you chose to spark this once again with cus words ofcourse I will talk against you . This goes for the other person as well.