That's not a tan that's black fishing LMFAOO bitch that looks worse than a disease

morbitity a s May 13, 2021 11:16 pm

That's not a tan that's black fishing LMFAOO bitch that looks worse than a disease

    shoujoramune4 May 13, 2021 11:21 pm

    asians tan very easily when exposed in the sun very long

    51o May 13, 2021 11:35 pm
    asians tan very easily when exposed in the sun very long shoujoramune4

    Oh I didn’t know u can wash the black tan away

    Irenesbride May 14, 2021 1:35 am
    Oh I didn’t know u can wash the black tan away 51o

    lolololol right

    HotGurlShit May 14, 2021 11:04 am
    asians tan very easily when exposed in the sun very long shoujoramune4

    Ignore them it’s the same people who think all Asians are the East Asian light skin stereotype. If anything is racist it’s assuming that Asians don’t get this tan because newshock: they do. even tanner.

    shoujoramune4 May 14, 2021 1:23 pm
    Ignore them it’s the same people who think all Asians are the East Asian light skin stereotype. If anything is racist it’s assuming that Asians don’t get this tan because newshock: they do. even tanner. HotGurlShit

    THANK YOU as a southeast asian.

    morbitity a s May 14, 2021 2:11 pm

    why people taking my comment so seriously.. its not up for debate. i put "lmfao" to let people know i was joking. I know the uke wasnt even black-fishing, im not stupid. plus wheres the yaoi logic when the uke is swimming indoors but has a terrible tan??

    Kasey May 14, 2021 3:14 pm
    why people taking my comment so seriously.. its not up for debate. i put "lmfao" to let people know i was joking. I know the uke wasnt even black-fishing, im not stupid. plus wheres the yaoi logic when the uke ... morbitity a s

    Didnt he get the tan from farming? Although his feet getting tanned is weird because even in the last chapt his feet wasnt tanned

    morbitity a s May 14, 2021 4:03 pm

    LMAO IDKKK i skipped most of it cuz the tan was a bothering me

    shoujoramune4 May 14, 2021 5:25 pm
    why people taking my comment so seriously.. its not up for debate. i put "lmfao" to let people know i was joking. I know the uke wasnt even black-fishing, im not stupid. plus wheres the yaoi logic when the uke ... morbitity a s

    he got the tan from farming peaches during summer