I don’t think she ever saw them as her kids. If she saw them as her kids then she would have had more reluctance with leaving them with practically strangers. She acts more like an older sister or friend than a mother. The kids never once saw her as their mother. Yes they did call her “mom” once but that was to get her out of the situation with the witch hunter. I don’t believe it will have the same affect if they called her “sister”
Also a lot of kids fall for older people. Like a teacher, babysitter/nanny, celebrities, ect. It’s just a childish crush that they’ll grow out of. Truthfully idk if Hansel will grow out of his crush and they’ll probably have hansel be with the witch (even though i wish she dates someone else. Hell I wouldn’t even mind it being the witch hunter as long as they change his personality a bit.) but it’s technically isn’t illegal or incest since he’ll be of age and she never physically age.
I kinda find it so weird that Hansel likes her romantically, I really can’t get over that. I would understand if he sees her as a mother figure but it doesn’t seem that way. He’s like an 8 year old boy falling in love with a grown as women. Like please #-.-). And I hope she doesn’t like him back