
ditzychi May 13, 2021 12:28 pm

i havent watched aot in 4 years but i was shocked that levi was there, and that i remembered what he looked like
anyways idk i get where melissa is coming from, given that she knows how the story goes and whatnot, but shes the only one that knows that. yuri kinda sorta knows too but i dont think she knows melissa is someone else, she just has general awareness of it being a story. nine is understandably concerned for her safety cuz who the fuck confidently says theyre gonna drink poison and be fine? if it was smth small id be annoyed at him feeling protective cuz he likes her but.. this is poison . again, not a fan of make leads treating the female leads like fine china, but girlie could accidentally ingest the thing and die????? so i get his concerns, esp since he doesnt know that she knows the story, to him shes a regular person thats gotten so confident in her luck that shes overestimating how far she can push. blech whatever can we move past this poison arc and go back to ian, i want more of him trying to redeem himself

    CookieDough May 13, 2021 10:11 pm

    go and continue watching AOT, the final season brought some tea