what do u not comprehend?? just cuz u find it shit don’t mean other people do. in other fucking words. just cuz it’s bad to u don’t mean it’s bad at all. everyone’s allowed to have opinions but not rude ones. opinions are meant to be heard but in a respectful way. ur telling ur opinion so rudely. be better

ok? who tf says im readin this shit on here? i aint even reading it in the first place. i support artists whose works i actually like whenver i can in the official site. the person who commented the topic is honestly the rude one 'don’t call this manga trash. go somewhere else with that bull shit' i replies because i simply has another opinion that opposes theirs. tho i said it blatantly

If you're not reading this why are commenting on this anyway? That's like not watching a movie then saying it's trash, that's so stupid. The problem isn't your opinion it's how rude you're being for no reason. The person just stated not to call the manga trash cause it's rude and the authors and artist worked hard on it, there's nothing rude about that.
y’all can hate yawhi of whatever but don’t call this manga trash. go somewhere else with that bull shit