Oh, dear, it's okay. Almost al of us, readers, feel the same way, We are bitter and sensitive especially about something we care about which is Eijun-chan. You're not alone. It's mutual. Believe me. I hope someday Eijun-chan can rip the ace number from Furuya or Furuya suudenly self destruct or becoming enemies with every other member of the team. All Furuya can see and care is Miyuki. I don't think Furuya care about the others. They admire and respect Furuya. But, I believe Eijun can do better than him. Especially, if Eijun has more variety and control. Add that to Eijun stamina and his ability to lift up the mood even during crisis Eijun will certainly be a valuable asset. More valuable than Furuya. Eijun just have to grow better and better.
I certainly hope it doesn't take another 100+ chapter or another arc to reach that point. The author sure love torturing his reader.

not gonna lie, I was as frustrated as Eijun when Miyuki choose to prioritize Furuya over Eijun. I was like "what the hell Miyuki? that was rude to Eijun even if you say you'll catch for him later."
For Eijun to say things like he knows ace is more important.... that seriously hurt.
BUT it seems that Miyuki only want to test Furuya, whether Furuya still playing for team or just playing for himself. I hope Furuya realizes that even if he's the ace of the team, that doesn't mean he has to shoulder everything by himself. I can't say I hate him because he can be cute in his own way, and he seems to be able to express himself better in early chapter of act II, but lately he pissed me off when he brush Yui off just like that. Furuya will spend one more year with his underclassmen, what he's going to do after Miyuki graduate if he's not fixing that attitude of his?

True, what you said is so true. I don't hate him at first. But recently, I start to hate him because of his egoistical ways and whims. He's the ace. He got Miyuki time the most during practice. Now, Eijun is different. I can barely remember when I see him practice with Miyuki. But I believe he did occasionally. Furuya should have some consideration for his teammate especially other pitcher who doesn't have enough time to practice with Miyuki. The way he treat Yui too. But then it probably doesn't matter. Apparently, the boy is head over heels about Furuya awesome throw.
It's so nice of you to see Furuya as cute. For me, I can only said that I only see Eijun as cute and awesome. I think I'm gonna fast read the entire chapter where Furuya throw in games from today chapters on ward.
Miyuki certainly means well. He probably will throw for Eijun later too. But still, I hope he can be a little more sensitive toward Eijun feeling.
Oh, how much I miss Chris-senpai. If only he was here, Eijun won't be lonely. I hope Eijun can finally gain a catcher that care about him.

Yeah, that's what I thought too. Eijun isn't as fragile but he has every right to get upset with how Miyuki ditched him for Furuya lol I'll be upset as hell if my friends ditched me for someone else (and probably won't shut up about it for days lol but that just me). Yui probably the same type as Eijun. The more someone brush him off, the more he wants to prove himself. Soon enough, he's able to catch Furuya's balls. Just you wait, Furuya. You won't have reasons to ignore the kid anymore.
Ahaha, to be very very honest, I think Furuya is adorable too (but Eijun is still the most adorable). He kind of changed after the match with Hongou, it's as if he's fixated in beating him and be the best pitcher in Japan. Does he still thinks Eijun as his worthy rival? or he's too focused on Hongou now? I'll be very disappointed if Furuya thinks nothing of Eijun now. Eijun is growing in alarming rate, and it's not impossible for Eijun to be starting pitcher in most games and gain recognitions (let's just forget those fangirls of Furuya who ignore Eijun and Nori).
TRUEEEE I MISS CHRIS-SENPAI TOO !! I wish he can come to catch for Eijun sometimes

Yes, I feel you there. I really got a bitter taste in my mouth right now, but at the time, Eijun is super adorable, he was hiding and looking them in the corner, but at the same time, he tried to speak enough loudly so that Miyuki could hear him (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Yes, I believe Furuya's blinded selfishness will lead him to his self-destruction later.

Yeah, the way Eijun acts is really adorable. He want Miyuki to feel guilty ditching him for Furuya [probably]. But he was afraid to show himself in front of them. I have a mix feeling about this. On one side, I feel the whole situation as adorable, cute, and hilarious. Truly Eijun way. But on the other side, I feel sad because we all know that Miyuki was so busy with Furuya that he just ignore the way Eijun act.
Furuya blinded selfishness will destroy him. God Will. Please do. But I hope it doesn't endanger the team chances in Koshien or disturb the whole team unity.
Furuya seem to not learn from Mei mistake before that lead to his school lost just one year after becoming a Koshien runner up.

Yeah Eijun is strong at least mentally. The way Eijun act is normal because he looks forward on the practice with Miyuki [I guess]. Probably I will do the same way as Eijun [or maybe even worse (≧∀≦)].
Yui is strong and he seems to have a high pride too. Either that or he just doesn't like to be underestimated by anyone even more by Furuya, the pitcher he admired. I agree he probably will be able to catch Furuya ball later. Yui is talented and has a well founded reputation before.
Furuya change a lot after that lost. He seems to reach a very dangerous conclusion that may not do his performance any good and turn him selfish and arrogant.
I may sound harsh but I don't think Furuya has Eijun in his mind right now. He probably still consider Eijun as a rival. But more than Eijun or others, he wanted to be stronger than anyone first. It clouds his mind so much that I doubt Eijun ever cross his mind at all.
Eijun great growth rate is a good thing and I hope he can do even faster. All he need now is a great catcher and coach who can direct him and point him on his mistakes. All of his pain and experience will turn him into a great diamond ace. Well, turning a rough diamond into a great one is time consuming. But I hope the time will come in the very near future.
Last, I hope some character in this manga for example Koushuu or anyone can fill the role that Chris-senpai left beside Eijun.Therefore, Eijun can practice more and be even better without struggling with Furuya for Miyuki's time.

I have a great admiration for Eijun's tenacity, even after the terrible treatment he's gotten as a player he still perseveres. *wipes tear from eye*
It really is hard to read this series without getting really angry/frustrated with how they treat our precious Sunshine child. COUNTLESS side characters always comment on how amazing a pitcher Eijun is and how having someone like him in a team will make them strong. But when we see his treatment in Seido... Arrggghh!
I much as I want Furuya to self-destruct as a player if Eijun gets the Ace number that way I'll be pleased. But I don't think I'll ever be happy with that result. I want Eijun to get that Ace number purely on his skills alone- we know how good he is so why would we want him to get the Ace number because Furuya burnt out.
Sometimes I don't think Furuya really cares about Miyuki- how I see it is that Miyuki is the first catcher to ever properly catch his pitches. But to me that's the extent of their relationship. They don't 'FEEL' like a battery to me. It feels more of an intense play of catch. It feels as though When Furuya pitches to Miyuki, Miyuki is like one of those nets they use for training. He can catch anything regardless of what you throw to him. Maybe the reason I feel this was is because the story is (somewhat) focused on Eijun- and we don't really get to see much interaction between Miyuki and Furuya on the field.
When Miyuki said he was gonna catch for 'Ace-sama' it felt sarcastic to me. Like he didn't want to do that right now BUT he needed to know what was up with Furuya.
BUT guys aren't you gonna mention how the first years saw the whole 'ace-sama's request'!? They were just there in the background seeing this treatment on a player who they saw was a valuable player of the team. I started writing a fic about this when saw those panels.
My headcanon is that WHEN Koushuu starts to see how amazing of a player our dear Eijun is he (and the rest) will start to wonder why Eijun isn't the ace. Koushuu's friend (Seto) has already said that Eijun being a relief pitcher was a waste. And when Eijun says that the partnership between the pitcher and catcher was a work of art I could see they were starting to see Eijun in different light. I feel like THEY will be the driving force that will make sure that Eijun get the Ace number.

Agree! Mei's mistake was responsible for his team ultimate defeat in Fall, very similar to Furuya's case and his ignorance . But on the other hand, Mei mistake is somehow more easy for me to acceptable, cuz I guess he was still afraid of the new catcher couldn't manage to catch his difficult pitch, for Furuya as far as I can see just 100% is his ignorance and selfishness.
btw, Miyuki definitely must make it up for Eijun-kun. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

[It feels more of an intense play of catch.] --> I strongly agree with you about that, Furuya made me think of Miyuki is nothing than his punching bags, it's not work of art between the catcher and pitcher anymore, since he doesn't even care when Miyuki wanted him to pitch to...
Furuya obviously doesn't care for Miyuki's well being or anyone else, anyone is fine as long as they can catch his balls , for example Miyauchi did very well with him, since Miyauchi can catch 150km/m easily. Unfortunely, currently it seems that Miyuki is the only catcher left can easily catch his pitches.

I guess someone is missing his catcher there *cough* *miyusawa*
Furuya kind of reverting to how he used to be. I don't know, like kind of detached and cheeky? he always bad at social skill though lol but I hope Furuya can resolves his problem though, I don't want to see him self-destruct like Mei. While, it's okay if he's self-destruct though, if that means Eijun can have more time to shine ((wow I sounds so nasty there, but seriously, if self-destruct means Furuya can change for the better, I guess it's okay))
Furuya, let's play for team, yeah? don't ever think you have to shoulder things alone.
I think Koushuu will turn into a type of catcher like Chris-senpai? I HOPE SO THOUGH. Looking back, Chris and Eijun's first impression with each other is not that good either but they end up bonding really well and respect each other. Maybe Koushuu and Eijun can also be like that. I want to see Eijun form battery with another catcher besides Miyuki, who knows other catcher can fill what Eijun is missing? hehe
ah, the day Eijun become the ace will be very fulfilling to most of us. It's as if we have a son lol

We actually don't see much about Furuya and Miyuki's battery though lol but that one time when Furuya noticed that Miyuki is injured is still makes me think that Furuya does care about Miyuki, but most often, Furuya only wants Miyuki to catch his balls lol that's what I see from their interaction
AH I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THAT PANEL A LOT. Asada and the other first year (I forgot his name, sorry!!) looks slightly worried when Miyuki, Yui, and Furuya left. Asada might think that Miyuki's word will affect Eijun somehow (Asada and Eijun seems to grow closer after they playing catch together *sobs* so cute), Koushuu looks thoughtful there and Seto seems more interested in Koushuu's reaction (lol) Koushuu probably thinks it's a good opportunity to catch for Eijun
I think it's pretty nice as well that Yui, Koushuu, and Seto (and Masashi, Tetsu's kid bro) think that Eijun is a good pitcher (Seto even thinks it's such a waste that Eijun is a relief pitcher) I want to see them interact more with Eijun!! haha

No, actually Furuya didn't care about Miyuki's injuried or not, but rather than whether Miyuki's in that condition could allow him to catch his ball or not. On the other hand, Eijun was really worried for Miyuki " slump " , yeah, he's too dull to realize that was an injury but at least he felt something off XD to be honest, Eijun doesn't have to wait to Furuya's self-destruction to shine, he can make it alone by his talent.
I don't care what happens to Furuya though

Eijun tenacity is one of his good trait. It is one of the reason why Eijun has many friends and many people loves and admired him after hating him such as Chris-senpai and even coach Ochiai start to look Eijun in a different way. Both were particularly harsh on him.
"Sunshine child" ----> Oh my, this has become my favorite sentences. Eijun truly is our adorable precious sunshine child. (>_<)
Eijun getting the Ace number on skills alone is possible. Of course I believe he can do it. The reason I want Furuya to self destruct mainly because in this manga Furuya look so omnipotent and supreme [at least to me, it looks like the author writes Furuya like that]. On top of it, everyone seem to respect and even admired him. Furuya looks like a perfect ace at first glance if not for his weak stamina and his bad social skill. We, readers, all know that Eijun is better than Furuya. But "some people" just won't give Eijun his chances and actually think that Furuya is more talented and a better pitcher than Furuya [point to Ochiai]. I believe that it is Ochiai also that said that as long as Furuya is here, Eijun will stuck as the shadows or as a substitute pitcher. So When Furuya self destruct, it makes "those people" see Furuya in a new light or in a new opinion. It may or may not give Eijun the chances but to get rid of the image that Furuya is all best and better [which is not true] is the first step and make me satisfied. Eijun only need chances and more training to show his potential.
I don't really understand Miyuki. BUt I agree that Miyuki wanted to know about what happened with Furuya. Furuya current action bother him and he probably is afraid that it will disturb the team flow or team works or theor games.
Hahaha, yeah I see that, I think they start to pity Eijun. Even Koushuu. About Koushuu.. what a nice fic. May I read it? where you post it? fanfiction.net?
In reality, Eijun is a relief pitcher. Although, I always regards him as a pinch pitcher.

True. Mei problems is he finds his catcher to be a bit unreliable. His catcher also doesn't know how to handle Mei very well. Mei chemistry with his new catcher isn't as good as the previous catcher.
I actually is curious how Miyuki will make it up for Eijun. Maybe after catching for Furuya, he'll start to be grateful on having a pitcher as bright and hilarious as Eijun.

I think it was actually Chris who said it. Yup, just checked
( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/diamond_no_ace/mh/v03/c020/13/)
Though Ochiai did say that in the beginning. But I think he's grown to like Sawamura- time and time again he's been proven wrong about his judgement on our dear Eijun. I hated him in the beginning but once he showed Sawamura different types of grips (though he did it with ill intent) we start to see the potential he has as a pitcher.
At the end of the first series when Sawamura asked to pitch to the last inning Ochiai actually wanted Sawamura to pitch till the end. Well that's how I interpreted it anyway. I started liking him a bit more than Kataoka.
I haven't posted it yet since I was waiting for better translation on chapter 34. So I have some editing to do.

It's so sad to see Furuya revert to the cold and distance Furuya after he looks like he actually start to form a bond with the other team mates. I also hope Furuya can realize it soon.
Oh, also, you are not nasty at all. Deep inside, I think like that too. I hope people in Seidou stop looking at Furuya like some greatly supreme omnipotence monstrous 1st year catcher. I want Seidou to think that rather than that monstrouly looking pitcher, they need a pitcher like Eijun with all of his potential and better points instead.
We will see where Koushuu will head on. Yui sets to be Furuya catcher so we can cross him out of Eijun potential catcher. I hope Koushuu and Eijun will see each others in a better light. I find it hard to find someone to be angry with hilarious Eijun for a long time. So, eijun and Koushuu will probably made up sooner or later and we may see their battery soon. Well, I'm afraid Koushuu is up to it because I don't think Eijun throws is that easy to catch.
Let's celebrate together on the day where our precious child perform a battery with another catcher especially in games.
Reading this manga required great patience and anger management. I wish I could hit that certain egoistical and anoyying someone. I never realized I could hate someone as much as him. Oh my.... even if Sawamura forgive and forget later. Just remember this Furuya, Miyuki, I'll never forget the humiliation and the bitterness you make our Eijun feel.
Poor Eijun-chan, I'm so sorry, (/TДT)/ I knew this would happen last chapter. That's why, I was so bitter. Work hard on improving yourself Eijun! I'm sure even if Furuya or Miyuki look down on you, the coaches will certainly see your potential! And see, you start to bond a relationship with that 1'st year catcher. I know you can do it! You are Our Precious Eijun. Your smile make everybody laugh! You're the moodmaker. So, keep your heads up and don't be down so much. Furuya bound to self destruct soon or later [I hope] (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ლ(´ڡ`ლ)