It’s not that they turn into muscles, not exactly.
Breasts are mostly fatty tissue, when you exercise a lot and lose body fat it will naturally shed from the breasts too. Also, increased exercise and muscle mass will lower oestrogen levels, so when some women become very lean they might even lose their periods.
It’s also much easier for the body to burn fat when you have more muscle, so it’s highly unlikely you will still have boobs if you’re as fit as this woman is. By that I mean unless they’re made of silicone then you won’t.

I think you’re getting something wrong. An art style is different from what you draw, different artists can draw a big tiddy ripped lady, each rendition will look different but it’s still the same character with the same features. Big tits and butts are generally associated with being sexy; I guess I’m the only one who’s kind of fed up with gratuitous character designs.

I’ll repeat myself its not a style thats just preference. But when you are writing a story and a narrative it’s different from something like a painting, this kind of thing normalises fetishisation of women and perpetuating unrealistic body standards.
Sorry to be the social justice warrior but I felt the need to point it out and your point didn’t make any sense to me so I started debating. Soz. I actually don’t want to be arguing I don’t like confrontation.

Yeah again it’s their art which is completely fiction..I don’t know how your trying to be a social justice warrior while we all read on this illegal site lmao but ok! And it is their art style it’s how they portray their subject matter and their vision ?.? And as someone who also does art I don’t stick to anatomy when it’s stylized because it’s not supposed to be realistic..

Generally an sjw will be defending some belief that they think is right, but not necessarily. In this case, I’m making a case on gratuitous character design vs the feminist ideal, but obviously someone thinks I’m making a fuss over nothing and therefore to them I’m one of those SJWs who are really annoying.
I think you’re right that this argument falls more into the realm of personal opinion rather than what is truly right or wrong though.
Idk I’m just sick of adventure stories sexualising female characters.

Fr, we always see it in anime's and now even in manhwa!? We're sick of it! Why can't they just draw women "normally"? Like I get there are women who do have big boobs and butt but let's be real here, they draw sht like that just to sexualize female characters or even worse, they exist just for fan service.
Realistically if there was a woman that ripped she wouldn’t have boobs anymore.