No, the question is why wife don't divorce. Women always the ones divorcing, not men (give me one proof a man divorced his wife). And frankly the wife doesn't love the husband because he never satisfied her and she could have divorced him from that time but instead she became a clingy girl.
You said I'm wrong, then why is she falling for rug boy? Because wife suppose to be thinking only husband but she too becoming like mc man. ( ̄へ ̄)

Hope my butt. Yeah mc is a jerk but wife is same too because she knows she never loves the mc anymore and that's why she has feelings for rug boy

It's like Beyonce and Jay-z. Why haven't they divorce yet when he's been already caught.
Why don't he just divorce his wife so that she can lead a better life with a better person since he is saying that he is drifting apart from the wife and falling for the side chick? He is falling for the woman who have sex with a married man and i say they deserve each other. If he is not divorcing because what society will say then it is bullshit. He did not think about what society will say before and while cheating didn't he? What's up with yeul ah? She said that she did not love the mc but why does she say that it hurts when he dumped her? If she who is only a side chick felt hurt imagine how his wife will feel.