Just got done reading the first chapter and don't know if I should continue. She's like th...

FairyGodMother May 12, 2021 12:17 am

Just got done reading the first chapter and don't know if I should continue. She's like that one friend you have have that no matter how many times you give them advice they never listen, and I feel like I can predict the dude telling a nobel about her powers and then she'll suddenly become someone valuable -.-

    Purple whale May 12, 2021 12:35 am

    Nope it wasnt like that. I read the novel and she really is smart its just that the manhwa kinda downplay it. Tho she was really naive about serek which she admitted but she will come to her senses

    Uwuuu May 13, 2021 5:10 am
    Nope it wasnt like that. I read the novel and she really is smart its just that the manhwa kinda downplay it. Tho she was really naive about serek which she admitted but she will come to her senses Purple whale

    Is the novel translated in English?”?

    Tay slay May 15, 2021 5:48 am
    Nope it wasnt like that. I read the novel and she really is smart its just that the manhwa kinda downplay it. Tho she was really naive about serek which she admitted but she will come to her senses Purple whale

    Do you have link to the novel?

    Purple whale May 15, 2021 12:05 pm

    Yes it's in english

    Link here

    Tho sadly it was dropped