"Aya, in my 16 years of life, you are the person I loved the most."

Towairaito May 18, 2016 12:58 pm

the magic words that delivered the final blow to flood my room with tears. T-T Kazumaaaaaa!!! Ayaaaaaa!! 3rd story's impact on me is toooooo great- i reallly hoped he'd live longer but yeah, inevitable death. <3 I really love their story. And i think if i read it again 8md completely memorize kazuma's words. just reading it once already made me kind of memorize a bit. All his thank you's to Aya made me tear up. Im such a sucker for thissss types of story omooo id really like to read a story like this again XD

the final extra story about a guy with some rabbit ghost?! or pet following him was funny.
