Not to mention that some of y’all care more about Taisei since he got rejected and are hating on Luka for rejecting him. Luka, the guy with low self esteem and struggling with mental health due to the fact that he was RAPED. And one way or another no matter how nice a person may be to the person they like it does not obligate the other person to accept them. You are never under oath to absolutely have to give back to a person because they did something nice of their own accord just say thank you and that’s that.

he had always felt unworthy of Taesei. The rape was barely part of the story. It's not even clear that there was a rape. The story is not about rape. It's about the relationship between the lovers. If you hyperfocused on the idea of rape, you completely missed the story. I can't believe how obsessed you'd have to be rape that you would miss all the subtleties of the sad relationship between Luca and Taesei

the author planted all the seed for the struggle between Luka and Taesei long before your overfocus on rape as being part of the story. For this story the fight with Taekai served as a plot element only, which nicely consolidated the group of events that brought lovers back together. All of the events around Takei that service this plot, not just one.

Luka was not held back by his fight with Takei. By the time of Taesei's stabbing, Luka was affected by only one thing: his profound love for Taesei. rape doesn't dominate a life. people deal with their ordeals in life and move on. Years? No. That would be a crazy extreme reaction that would have gotten in Luka's way to finding happiness.

Wdym it's not clear there wa rape if you can't see there was clearly rape you purposely staying ignorant to a horrible crime that was committed fucking freak and your calling people obsessed why because rape makes them extremely upset and uncomfortable guess what that's a NORMAL response so see a topic so horrible that you can't think of anything else people who can brush past it like nothing happened are the fucking creeps and fetishiser who finishes the pain victims when through SEEK HELP
A lot of these comments can’t seem to grasp the fact that the Luka felt unworthy of Taisei after he was raped. RAPED. It takes some people years to overcome trauma and it wasn’t easy for Luka thus that is how he went about handling his relationship issues. He wasn’t doing it to hurt Taisei(even though he did), he just thought he was doing what was best for Taisei because he valued and cared for him a lot. He was trying to be selfless because he cared a lot about him but ultimately ended up hurting himself and Taisei, his execution of the whole thing was highly flawed but he had good intentions. He was insecure, and clearly felt inferior/worthless how was that not made clear to some of y’all???