here goes the toxic bs

Noonezx May 11, 2021 7:39 pm

omg fuck this man. you can't treat your significant other this way, no matter the circumstances

    Naruto May 11, 2021 7:48 pm

    He is mad because she vould ha e died while he was away. Give him some slack

    IShouldProbBeDoingHw May 11, 2021 8:21 pm

    people can get worried and see just how bad it could have gone for both parties to the point that they’d get angry at their s/o for putting themselves in that position

    Noonezx May 11, 2021 11:42 pm
    people can get worried and see just how bad it could have gone for both parties to the point that they’d get angry at their s/o for putting themselves in that position IShouldProbBeDoingHw

    this doesn't mean it is right to act that way. you can always calm down, collect yourself and express your concerns later on

    Flaire May 12, 2021 1:01 am
    this doesn't mean it is right to act that way. you can always calm down, collect yourself and express your concerns later on Noonezx

    Jesus stop acting like he beat her half to death wtf is wrong with yu people. We already that he loves her, and now onetime he overreacts, because he can't control his emotions, because she put herself in fucking danger like that.. and everybody is like ''omg I hate him soo muuuch'' ''don't you dare speak to MY GiRl LIkE DAt''

    Noonezx May 12, 2021 1:29 pm
    Jesus stop acting like he beat her half to death wtf is wrong with yu people. We already that he loves her, and now onetime he overreacts, because he can't control his emotions, because she put herself in fucki... Flaire

    if you think it's ok to excuse his behavior then so be it. I wholeheartedly disagree though. you do you