The culprit... who is it?

yukichan May 11, 2021 4:26 pm

I'm just gonna ask your opinion? Who is the main culprit of this tragedy?

Is it Yoseob's parents? I personally think they are the most to be blamed honestly.

Is it Yoseob's uncle who took him home, despite his unstable mentality. I personally think they should have done a better job at parenting. I mean there's no way a child could be normal after experiencing that.

Is it Jaeha who stubbornly refused to take Yoseob to the hospital despite knowing his very unstable mentality? I mean after the whole goldfish scenario, personally I would have taken Yoseob to a hospital and informed my parents.

Is it Taeho who shunned Jaeho and made him distrust everyone and made him lean on Yoseob for emotional support to the point of obsession? I personally think Taeho was just being a kid who got jealous and vented out his childish frustrations in an obviously immature manner. But what did you expect? He was a kid afterall. And a bit of a coward. But atleast he was normal.

Is it Taeho's brother who took his frustrations on Taeho making him jealous of Jaeho and start bullying him? I personally don't think he's in the wrong. I mean he was just a high school kid who had more than he could handle on his plate.

Is it Taeho's mother who was too extreme with her favouritism to the point of making Taeho's brother miserable?

Is it perhaps Taeho's father who left them and in turn making the mother an alcoholic?

Is it Yura who kept approaching Jaeha inspite of Taeho's warning?

Or is it Yoseob? I mean after what the kid went through. I don't even know what to write as his fault is. His mother choked him guys. And abused him. He had to witness his mother's suicide right infront of his eyes. His father abused him even more violently. And again he saw his father's dead body. Who wouldn't develop a mental disease at that point? Childhood is the point where the growth of a person's basic emotional background develops. It was too pitiful that he didn't even know apart his emotions. Even after he was welcomed into a new and warm house his inner demons haunted him. He tried to understand what love was with his broken mind. And the goldfish incident and Jaeho's reaction caused a misunderstanding. He was always anxious. Sick. Haunted. And after everything, he was locked in a mental hospital probably for life deluding himself to believe Jaeho is with him. So do you think he's at fault for this tragedy?

Tell me guys, who do you think is the main culprit. Tell me your opinions.

    fangirl_world12 May 12, 2021 9:13 pm

    Every single one of them is a culprit in this. All of their actions together caused the whole tragedy, if one person had backed out or ever even thought it through this woudn't have happened. But I think Yoseob's parents ignorance was one of the main cause. Taeho was just being a kid and Jaeho was also feeling very insecure and he's also just a kid.

    yukichan May 13, 2021 4:16 am
    Honestly,Every single one of them is a culprit in this. All of their actions together caused the whole tragedy, if one person had backed out or ever even thought it through this woudn't have happened. But I thi... fangirl_world12

    Thank you for your lovely opinion

    LadyRaven June 1, 2021 12:57 am

    definitely taeho, he jumped the gun with jaehas entire situation and caused this all

    JeongYi June 12, 2021 2:20 pm
    definitely taeho, he jumped the gun with jaehas entire situation and caused this all LadyRaven

    Yeah for me it was taeho too