(Probably Big Spoilers)
My gurl didn't go to nornui (Magic school), learn heaing magic, and earth magic (Gurl even created a forbiden Spell [It's not like dark magic, it's simply called a forbiden because thier nit allowed to use it outside of nornui , because it's to powerful for the outside world to find out), sneaked in at a war, paticipated in it, so you could still see her as a weak and feble noble lady... as My favorite line of maxi said "I'm not the Daughter Of a Duke, I'm the Wife of a Knight! I'm not a Croix, I'm Calypse!" Your wife is trying her best, please see her for the lady she is today, and not the lady she was.
(Ps: Or maybe He did care about her and showed her his support! So correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still not at this part of the novel I've just read a couple of chapter scence (like for example chapter 150 happened this and that) and Spoilers so I haven't read it in detail so correct me if I'm wrong! I don't wanna misjudge my boi!)

He only got angry because he was upset at how he could have lost her right and there. He loves her a lot more than his own life. He doesn't like her getting into dangerous situations too so we'll see more of that later on when shes trying to grow and he's just restricting her because of his love for her.

of course, riftan absolutely love maxi! I just kinda feel like sometimes it gets to suffocating? Like he always doubts her, and he doesn't believe she can do it, which I get why, maxi is a frail looking girl, and it wasn't even recently since she started growing, so I get he's worried, and he doesn't want to loose her especially because of her trauma, but she won't be able to grow if he shelter her so much, baby maxi also needs to be able to stand in her own two feet... but then again that's just riftans personality! I'm looking forward to maxi growth and thier growth as a couple (you know more communication cause they so lack that... Like how riftan is jelous of Cauhel, and Maxi is jelous of Agnes, this people doubt thier love towards each other so much that's it's kinda cute, but unhealthy in a relationship!)
Ps: Tho I love the that he can't win an arguement with her, like they argue because he doesn't want her to do this and that, but then at the end of the day she just ends up letting her do it... Riftan has a soft spot for maxi... ┗( T﹏T )┛
Uhm... Idk if the mahwa is just like that, but in the novel riftan said “What the hell are you saying you could have done?” and "Don't speak." (At least the translation that I've read) which ends with a "." And a "?" Not a "!" Meaning he simply told her not to speak or what could she have really done, thats it, he didn't shout at her or anything, he was probably trying his best to keep his cool so he doesn't scare maxi... And I feel like they should highlight that? Because they make it seem like he doesn't give a sh*t bout how she feels! And riftan is all but that... but yeah his being such a jerk in this mahwa...(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Nevertheless, I really dislike that part of riftan (and it would be fine if it was just 1 or 2-3 times but through the novel [if I remember correctly] that's pretty constant), but I still love the boi, but like he underestimates maxi or his overly protective of her! I love that side of him, but it feels suffocating from time to time, And again I'm fine with it if it was just every once in a while, but it happens kinda often, I know his simply worried, but Boi Maxi needs to grow, don't shelter her to much, she desrves so much love, but she needs to grow too!
And I wanna say it to your face (Riftan) Maxi desire to grow stronger, it's her way of feeling asured that you wont leave her (not that you actually will), it's her way of reassuring herself that she infacts deserve to be your parnter, that she desves the Title of "Lady of Anatol" and "The Knights wife", sweety I know your worried for your wifey especially because of what you've been through and the trauma you must have recieve, but you can protect her while she slowly grows, have faith in her,
because believe me she needs your support more than anyone...