I'd never forgive that asshole Kang or agree to marry him. I'd say, "if you help my sister...

CrystalVixen May 11, 2021 12:48 pm

I'd never forgive that asshole Kang or agree to marry him. I'd say, "if you help my sister, I'll stop asking you to give up your parental rights. (even though we know he can keep them whether he helps or not). But at least Joheeon would stop asking him to give it up right? And I'd say to figure it out without resulting to marraige because it's out of the fucking question.

Asshole Kang. I Hetchu so much. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Kooko May 11, 2021 2:35 pm

    I feel the same way! I couldn't forgive him either. And even if some day I were to forgive, i could still not trust that person and most and for all I wouldn't want to get married or get involved with them more than necessary... i dont like how the plot is going... i mean sure kang might have through some tough stuff, but that still does not change the fact that he first distrusted and mistreated Jun (dunno his name anymore but I mean the MC) and kang didn't even give Jun a chance to explain himself after the fight (he didn't look for him even after a week) and now that he found out Juns whereabouts and the fact the teayang is his daughter he wants Jun to forgive him (/give him a chance /get married) even though Jun clearly said NO and told him that he makes him uncomfortable... honestly It just feel like watching a spoilt kid trying to get back his toy (& I know some might disagree) but stuff like this is waaay harder to handle and 7/8 years are a lifetime! Especially when u are on ur own and have a kid.... in reality even if Jun was able to forgive Kang for abandoning him (/mistreating him) I am a 100% sure he would never ever be able to forget what he has been trough or trust him the way he did before and even if they were back together, chances would be higher for a breakup...

    Helloworld May 11, 2021 7:30 pm


    CrystalVixen May 11, 2021 9:47 pm
    I feel the same way! I couldn't forgive him either. And even if some day I were to forgive, i could still not trust that person and most and for all I wouldn't want to get married or get involved with them more... Kooko

    My feelings exactly honey!!!!! And yes, Kang is acting like a spoilt kid and is too selfish! Honestly the MC (forgot his name, had to look it up earlier, but too lazy now) already did his due diligence to Kang by informing him of the pregnancy and even contacted him after giving birth. Kang has absolutely NO EXCUSE for the mistakes he made! He assumed MC was cheating and making stuff up in his head because he hung out with a girl twice? REALLY? It's a typical stupid high school attitude. Even back in high school, I couldn't date a boy like that (jealous and making retard assumptions over nothing). STUPID STUPID STUPID. I'm praying for the MC to make this asshole suffer!!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Helloworld May 12, 2021 1:22 am
    My feelings exactly honey!!!!! And yes, Kang is acting like a spoilt kid and is too selfish! Honestly the MC (forgot his name, had to look it up earlier, but too lazy now) already did his due diligence to Kang... CrystalVixen


    Kooko May 12, 2021 1:50 am

    Same girl! I don't wanna see the MC forgiving him and trusting him easily.. Also I feel like if he did, it would promote the kinda behaviour and that's an absolute NOGO!

    CrystalVixen May 12, 2021 2:44 am
    Same girl! I don't wanna see the MC forgiving him and trusting him easily.. Also I feel like if he did, it would promote the kinda behaviour and that's an absolute NOGO! Kooko

    Ugh God! I didn't even think about his actions promoting that behavior, and it's so true! Kind of like when you treat a person like a baby or let mistakes slide, they think it's ok to be one and they never grow up!Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    let's see how the story goes. Ugh, MC give Kang hell. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧