Rant alert, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this is mine. I am "amazed" at t...

Xylade May 11, 2021 2:21 am

Rant alert, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this is mine. I am "amazed" at the author who made this story and any authors who makes similar trope like this. A lot of readers say 1st ruve and 2nd ruve is different but honestly sis, NO. Some say "oh the past is the past, he's different now". Like yo he literally ABUSED her physically and emotionally and HUMILIATED her to such a degree that would cause any sane person to have PTSD and just extreme trauma for the rest of their lives. Of course tia is reincarnated but her memories stayed perfectly intact didn't it? She's INSANE to "forgive and forget" as though he did nothing to her in the past . Honestly I have a hard time comprehending authors who romanticise this sort of trope. Put yourself in the FL situation, you would actually love someone who abused, manipulated, abandoned and killed you? Really? Like we can see the attempt on making us almost sympathetic towards ruve cause he was oh manipulated by his father *fake sobs*. There is no excuse using your shitty past to make someone else's life fucking hell especially when that person did nothing wrong to you and in fact cares about you (tia in the past). In essence this story is basically a FL who will end up loving her literal past abuser and killer because the ML is oh so pitiful since he was manipulated in the past so that excuses his toxic and revolting behaviour. PTSD who? Never heard of it. Trauma who? She doesn't exist. Time defying Stockholm syndrome? Absolutely. Hotel? Trivago.

    Yipso May 11, 2021 5:34 am

    Maybe this us why I initially had no motivation to finish the manwha ... thank you

    Aelaio May 11, 2021 2:58 pm

    Honestly so glad I found this comment before I started reading it. I’ll just leave this be and keep searching for other royal Manhwa’s/ Manga’s.

    drat May 11, 2021 3:37 pm

    and you know what? we never knew why tia loved him in the last life except for some fake fate bullshit. WHAT was so good about him in the past life, the way he ignored her, hated her and disrespected her even before the marriage? or even worse, what he did After marriage? fucking hell.