What the hell do you mean? He killed all of chi-hwans friends and teachers after he let him stay with him. Then after all of that, white haired dude blames chi like it was his fault. I think you’re confused just because white haired dude had a bad past. He did get raped once, but chi was the one that saved him. He deserves all of it.

actually to make things clear, he DID have a choice. He can choose chi hwan or power. But since he is greedy he wanted both. He wants to be in power bc his brother the current emperor favored him and he wants that, but being in that position you need to let go of chi hwan bc chi hwan is the son of a governor who is an ally to the previous monarch which white hair guy's brother killed. Now Chi hwan is living in hiding PEACEFULLY with friends teachers and classmates not threatening the current monarch. But this white haired guy is so greedy says he wanted to protect chi hwan at the same time he wanted to suck up more to his brother and he doesn't want his brother to find out that he's lover's with the son of the enemy so he said he CHOSE BOTH but NO. He chose power at the same time protecting Chi Hwan but see what Greediness gets you? You killed your lover's friends and practically family, he betrayed his trust and now he says he does it for chi hwan? The person doesn't even want to be protected, hence he doesn't mind dying if it's for his teachers and classmates and friends. White Haired Guy had a choice since the start but because he is greedy look at what happened. Being a link to chi hwan, living a long time but not receiving the love from your past lover instead you were treated harshly? That must be the best way of punishment instead of letting him die quick. And see white haired guy? even after a long time of punishment he still thinks that he doesn't have a choice yet he himself knows he is greedy, he says he regret everything. So that's what you do when you repent? or regret? You hurt the person you hurt in the past all over again? Now think about why people hate him, lol

and may I add chi hwan gave him everything loved him and all and he still betrayed chi hwan for power and position at the court. Such a suck up to the king and still saying he did it for chi hwan. so don't get me started on how chi hwan began to treat him like he doesn't exist. He totally deserves it man, he already got the love of his life but he wanted more than love so look at what he ended up getting - Hate .
White hair guy doesn’t deserve any of this idc. Their backstory wasn’t enough to make the black haired guy hate the white haired guy. Seemed kinda forced but ok